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Two weeks had passed, he decided to leave the topic of the event behind as him husband seemed to want to ignore it and he got tired of trying to talk about it, at least it did not happen again.

He made an effort to make an exquisite cake for two people and went to buy the watch that him husband had mentioned so much, he thought it would be a good detail as him husband loved food and had long been saying he wanted that watch.

So as soon as it was twelve o'clock he burst into their room with a strong kick in the door and the cake in hand.

It had always been that way with his friends the celebratory spirit had him quite high it was September 1st him much loved husband's birthday.

"Happy birthday," he shouted "You have another year to live,".

"Huh?" him husband replied in confusion only opening one eye.

His parents didn't usually celebrate him or organize anything good for him by blowing out the candles on the cake.

"It's your birthday get up let's go eat, then go back to sleep," he laughed.

"Yes," he nodded trying to finish waking up.

Jin brought two bags in hand one with the cutlery needed to eat the cake and the other with him husband's gift.

"Make a wish, make it in your mind you don't have to say it out loud," he said as he lit some candles on top of the cake.

"I wish I could change to be a better husband to him."In other words he wished to be a better man and worthy for his husband.

"That's rich," he unintentionally yawned back "Sorry," he laughed.

"It's okay," he smiled "I brought you this too, it's your present I hope you like it and sorry if I didn't call your parents but I don't think they would have been thrilled,"

Taking the bag he quickly opened the gift as he was anxious and his eyes sparkled as he saw that it was the watch he had wanted to buy since the brand brought it to market.

"Thank you so much," he smiled leaning down to give him a kiss on the lips, a kiss full of gratitude.

Jin was surprised even though they had been married for seven months, this was the second kiss they had given each other since the first one was the day they were declared married and after that they had not had a single kiss until this one.

"Thank you so much again for the cake and the gift," he smiled leaving the plates on the table.

"It's nothing," he smiled "I'm leaving,"

"Not today," he hugged Jin pulling him close and laying Jin on his chest "Sleep here just be quiet,"

Giving instructions to the virtual assistant, the light turned off and he left a kiss on Jin's beautiful purple hair.

The two slept in each other's arms.

Three months later everything was sad again and Jin didn't know what to do, today was December 4th, it was his birthday, he had planned a very special day and he had included Jungkook in it because he thought that him husband wanted to be with him.

But nothing happened, he didn't expect Jungkook to wake him up with a cake just like he did but what he expected was a happy birthday at least, but he didn't get anything from his husband.

That watch he had given Jungkook he only wore for one day and after that he never wore it again.

"I'm going to work," he left a kiss on Jin's lips "See you later."

Nothing at all and it's not like he didn't know it, Jin was excited to celebrate his birthday so he kept reminding him about it all week.

Even so he waited until noon and when in his hour of rest nothing came he knew that definitely Jungkook had forgotten, it was nothing of the other world or nothing that took time to Jungkook every day Jungkook filled him with kisses and it is not possible that not even a happy birthday could tell him.

He didn't have to give him a big present, just remembering him was enough, his parents never celebrated his birthday and without further thought he repeated to himself that it was his mistake for falling in love with a man like him.

"It's okay Jin, you have us," Soobin said.

"We love you very much Jin," said Taehyung kissing him cheek.

He ended up celebrating his birthday with his friends, his friends' family and the service personnel he held dear. All those people he considered important because to be honest if he didn't have his friends he would have ended his life long ago to end the shitty life he was leading.

"Here's to why we have the best friend in the world," shouted Taehyung.

"Now let's drink," shouted Tae's dad kicking off Jin's birthday party.

By eleven o'clock at night everyone was drunk as never before in their lives, it was an outdoor place and everyone could stay and feel the fresh air.

They were funny, amusing and memorable moments, they took many pictures, laughed and forgot all the problems they could have being in each other's company.

Jin ended up arriving at the mansion at five in the morning because he could not stand it anymore and needed to go to bed.

"What are these hours of arriving'," him husband was heard shouting "Sure you were,".

"Shut the fuck up," Jin shouted turning around and pointing him finger.

"Great, in this house everyone does what they want, no one came to work today," he snorted "You smell too much of alcohol and perfume from I don't know how many men, I can't even identify a single perfume on you and you dare to say you are still a virgin who is your lover,".

"I gave all the employees the day off, they were with me and my friends," I laughed to keep from crying "We got together to eat and celebrate,".

"What a nice celebration," he said sarcastically "I'm doing my part so I can change and be a better husband to you and to you the whore can't be taken away,"

"We were just celebrating my birthday," he said offhandedly.

He then left Jungkook with the word in his mouth and went to his room, locking the door and taking off all his clothes to sleep comfortably.

He had felt like crying but the urge to cry went away as he started to remember what a wonderful day it had been in the company of all his friends, his friends who went out of their way to make him feel loved.

Meanwhile Jungkook was lamenting in front of the door of Jin's room, he wanted to knock but he didn't know what he could say to him, but he barely remembered that Jin had been telling him all week that it would be his birthday, but he was so involved in his own business that he had completely forgotten about his husband's birthday.

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