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A short time after that fight Jungkook signed the divorce papers, however right now Jin and he were united because they were good parents.

"Squeeze here," Jungkook grabbed his ex-husband's hand to reassure him.

"Shut up," he shouted euphorically, but not because he was being rude but because he was in labor.

"You can do it, I love you," Jungkook said.

Finally from the emotion of hearing Jungkook say that he loved him, he got a lot of strength to get his son out completely, as soon as he heard his son cry he knew he would be fine, he fainted after that.

When he opened his eyes he was in his hospital room and three people with him.

"Hey, you woke up," Jungkook said with his little son in his arms "Let's go to Appa,"

With a smile and tears in his eyes Jin received his son in his arms, he took to looking at his son that he had waited for long months.

"The doctors have already checked you out, they say in a couple of hours you'll be able to go home," Jungkook said "I'll take you home don't worry about that,"

"No need to," he smiled "My friends will come and get me,"

Before Jungkook could protest the door opened revealing two young men, Jungkook recognized one of them as the one who was recently with Jin.

"We came as soon as we could," Soobin said.

"Congratulations love," Taehyung congratulated Jin taking the baby in his arms "Hello, pretty boy,"

Jungkook watched the scene from afar uncomfortably, many times Jin wanted to introduce him to his friends but he always refused thinking that they were not good enough to be Jin's friends and now he didn't know how to fix things.

A month had passed too fast, all the contact Jin and Jungkook kept was because of Yongbok.

"Jungkook come in," smiled Jin "Yongbok is in bed,"

"Let's go to the couch then," he sighed.

Once they were sitting on the couch Jin looked at Jungkook to start talking, as time went by that anger he had in the beginning was gone, now he had no time for negative things he wanted to be good for his son.

"How much longer will you stay mad at me," Jungkook asked slowly.

"I'm not angry anymore," he shook his head "You are Yongbok's father I would like to be okay with you so as not to affect him," he answered sincerely.

"Do you still love me," that question took him by surprise.

"Yes," he nodded.

"I want to come back to you you know, to form a family with you and my son," he said "I'm really sorry if you don't believe me, but I changed because of you, now I'm a new Jungkook, the only thing I'm still the same is feeling this strong love for you," he inhaled hard holding the lump in his throat "I was bad with you for no reason and I'm paying dearly for all that, it hurts me a lot to be away from you, I want to go out together, I want to fill you with kisses, I want to show you how much I love you,"

Jin looked at him, now he was crying too.

"I never had anything with my assistant, I only wanted to defend my company, your company because I wanted to generate enough to open our company together and not have to be tied to our parents," he bit his lip "As for the watch you gave me I know you never saw me wearing it but," he took out a silk scarf from his suit unwrapping it leaving the watch uncovered "This was your first gift to me and for me it is an heirloom, although I won't use it every day I carry it with me,"

"Jungkook im ,"

"Come with me again please, we don't have to be the best couple overnight, because I know the hurt I cause in you, but at least don't reject my hugs," he sobbed heading to where Jin was falling on his knees in front of Jin "Can we try again? I promise to be the worthy man, husband and friend for you, I promise to leave forever if I ever betray your trust again,"

Jin had been dying to throw himself into him for ever, he had been angry for a long time and had said many things he had not wanted to say and all because of the deep pain he was in, because he could never regret having given himself to Jungkook.

But if he was sincere he was afraid, afraid that Jungkook would not change and things would be the same as before, now it was not only him but also his son.

"Promise me that you will never be a jerk again, that you will never doubt my fidelity to you by accusing me of being with other men," he asked.

"Never again Jin, never again will I be so stupid to treat you that way,"

Jin ended up wrapping him in an embrace whispering that he accepted to try again, his heart told him again that he was not wrong and he began to believe that he had never done it, it was just a bad move of destiny.

"I love you Jin, I love you my Jin," he whispered after a few minutes.

Now they are both on the couch but Jin had fallen asleep on Jungkook's lap, patiently Jungkook carried him bridal style and carried him to his bed, taking off his clothes and shoes, leaving him covered to go to his son's room.

"Hello love," he looked at his son "Your Appa and I love each other and we will be a family the three of us, I will have the two loves of my life with me," he smiled happily as he said that.

The boy just laughed as if he knew what Jungkook was saying.

He took Yongbok out of the bed, after the baby fell asleep he took him to Jin's room and put him to bed in between them, feeling at peace for having the two most important people in his life with him.

Life and Jin were giving him another chance, which he was sure it would be the last one, but he would not be so stupid as to screw it up again, to take care of Jin, he would not allow Jin to move away from him again.

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