Goodbye Factory

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Holding onto the clothes on his back reminds you of old times. Throughout this whole time you'll probably be reminded. His scent of cologne was still strong for however long he's been here. You both walked down the hallway finding a dead body with a knife to the head. Leon pulled the knife out making blood pour out of it.

"At least we have this." He sighed.

"You mean I do." You take the knife from him.

"So now you're protecting me?" He stood aside holding his hand out for you to take the lead.

"No, you have many ways to protect. This is for if everything fails." You look his body up and down

"So how am I supposed to kill them?" He tilted his head

"Your hands, or your thighs seem strong."

You tried not to laugh at how his emotion changed. Before it was playful, now he wanted revenge.

"It's not a bad thing-" He cut you off

"Let's see if my thighs will save you next time." He huffed

On the outside he's very stoic and doesn't show many emotions like he used to. But secretly deep down he still has a soft spot for you. You took notice to that.

"We should hurry on, Ashley needs to be saved as soon as possible." Leon said


He grabbed the knife out of your hands continuing down the dark cold halls. You could hear a man speaking in the other room. Leon turned around facing you.

"Stay here." He ordered

Then he bent down and crept through the door. You could only imagine what happened as the man's voice became quieter then to nothing.

"Come on!" Leon called out

You walked into the room seeing the man on the ground. His throat slit and ground getting covered in blood.

"You really told me to stay there just to handle one guy?" You chuckled

"Hey, that's my gear." Leon pointed at a whole in the wall

"How do we get there?" You asked

"Guess we'll find out." He continued outside

When you both left you regretted not sneaking. A villager with an axe was heading straight for you. Leon slid on the floor getting behind the man. Then he shoved the knife into his opponents head.

"Trying to impress me?" You rolled your eyes

"You must be if you think I was trying to do that." He chuckled

"I'm waiting to see something more impressive that you've learned over the years." You replied

"Stay here." He jumped through a broken window

Once he's out of sight your mind wanders off. Something isn't right about this place. You still can't answer why they'd be scared of you. But with Leon here it eases your nerves. Not enough though. Did these people know something you didn't?

Suddenly an old squeaky door lifted up slowly falling. You heard Leon running back to you as you stood confused. He jumped back through the broken window pushing you through the closing door. Leon rolled under the almost shut door. Then he stood grabbing his equipment and some herbs.

"How far are we from the church?" You asked

"Decent amount of time." He unlocked the door after holstering his many guns.

Leon Kennedy has definitely changed over the years. So much that many people wouldn't recognize him. Specifically his personality and build. He's grown a lot of muscle and looks mature. His personality is rough but special just like a diamond. You just have to know him to see the real him.

"Over here, stranger." A raspy voice could be heard beyond the door to get out of here.

When Leon opened the doors light shined into your eyes making you squint. It shined onto Leon really making his ocean blue eyes a strong color. The scratches and blood on him were noticable but that didn't change how the sunlight made him look more attractive.

The mysterious man had a stand with items on it. He opened his coat revealing guns and ammo. Must be a merchant. Leon looked through the things the merchant was selling. While he did that you watched as the big doors were shaking from people banging on it. The sound echoed around filling your ears.

"Let's go." Leon turned towards you

Leon held your hand gently. His hand being a bit rough but also comforting. You both began walking away from the situation. But of course leaving means entering a new one. You already suspected there'd be many situations though.


753 words

Sorry that this chapter is smaller! Hope you all enjoyed though. Thank you for reading and voting!

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