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"Ashley, run! You too y/n." Leon glanced over at you.

"I'm not leaving you alone with this monster." You shook your head.

Leon sighed, contemplating his options of what to do. None of you were strong enough to actually do much damage to this guy.

"Hurry!" Leon turned around and began to flee.

The two of you followed Leon like lost puppies. Ashley was practically on Leon's ass with how close she was. If he stopped running, they'd both tumble to the ground. Suddenly a villager ran out of a shed and stabbed Leon a few times. What made it worse was that Ashley indeed tumbled into him.

"No!" She screamed.

"Leon!" You gasped.

Mud covered them as they hurried to get back up. You shot the villager a few times until it died. Then you hurried to catch up with the others.

"Don't worry about them! They're a waste of bullets." Leon began to run again.

He basically jinxed himself because then a bunch of villagers blocked the path. He shot some explosive barrels but that didn't kill them all. He grumbled to himself as he aimed his gun at their heads.

"The bridge!" Ashley panicked as she seen that the bridge was broken.

"Come this way." You found another path.

Leon followed behind the two of you. The wood didn't seem sturdy and made you desperately want to slow down. On cue you heard some of the wood break.

"I'm stuck!" Ashley sniffled.

You turned around seeing that her foot had gone through the wood. Leon bent down trying to free her. Her face was covered in tears from being so scared during this whole fleeing situation. You'd have to comfort her later.

"We need to keep moving." You said as a villager began to run towards you three.

Leon was still busy with helping Ashley so you decided to take it upon yourself. You shot the villager in the shoulder making it fall over.

"You've got to be kidding me." Leon finally got Ashley's foot free and looked at the villager behind him.

The wood behind Leon started to crumble. If you guys don't start moving now, all of you will be falling to your fate.

"I'm good." Ashley smiled.

"Then run!" Leon grunted giving her a slight push.

You grabbed Ashley's hand running to solid ground. The wooden planks beneath your feet felt 10x more unstable than before. One wrong step and gravity will pull you down onto the rocks beneath.

Ashley fell once you three made it to solid ground. Leon breathed out that he hadn't realized he'd been holding. Your body laid right next to Ashley's as you laughed.

"Who would've thought we'd survive that." You looked up at the sky.

"Close one." Leon looked behind at the solid ground on the other side of the huge hole.

"Yeah." Ashley tried to catch her breath.

On the other side of the hole was the monster that had been chasing you guys that whole time. His eyes pierced at you like it was reading your every thought. You gulped as he walked away. Afterwards Leon stood up helping you and Ashley up.

"Listen, you're the one he wants. If we see him again, you run." Leon ordered Ashley.

"What about you two?" Ashley asked concerned.

"I'll do my job." Leon replied.

"We've been through worse." You hit Leon's arm playfully.

He gave you a slight smile as he began to search the area. Then once he grabbed all the things that could be useful he started fixing his gear with the shopkeeper.

Danger follows (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now