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Kaveri's POV

I don't know what to say! A little boy asking me to be careful. I felt like a loser again. I can't even do one thing without causing some kind of drama. I feel like a loser who can't even walk on road safely. I thanked the person who brought me to the hospital and also told the little boy that I would be careful.

As I'm talking to the man, I felt a little a little cute girl suddenly asking about my hair. I'm surprised to see the little girl as I didn't even notice her till the time she started talking. I couldn't stop myself from laughing listening to her innocent questions.

How innocent is she? Are all children really this innocent? But I don't ever remember my children asking me such innocent questions. Maybe it's because they never really talked to me. I just assumed that they would understand everything but seeing the little girl, I feel like children are supposed to be just like her. Innocent and happy.

The little girl introduced herself and said that they recently shifted here and said that she is happy that she made a new friend on the first day itself.

But our conversation got interrupted when her father's phone started ringing, he said that he has some important work and should leave immediately. Before leaving we exchanged our numbers on the little girl's insistence.

After they left, I felt empty. I wanted to meet her again but I know that she is just a child and wouldn't even remember me the next time she sees me.

Few days later, I felt a little better but there  is still a huge bandage all over my head. My aunt asked me to stay with them atleast till I completely recover but I denied so she is staying with me to take care of me and Ramya would everyday send meals on time and sometimes would even come to meet me and talk to me. But I would lie about feeling sleepy and would just go to my room. Her behaviour started to annoy me. The woman literally snatched my life and now trying to play the good girl.

Krishna went to some other country for his business related meetings. He just came to meet me on the day of the accident and the next day he left the country and now he is nowhere to be seen. I just want him to come back so that I could talk to him about alimony. I don't even have enough money to buy a new phone now. I'll ask him to pay me a good amount to restart my life.

One evening, when I'm going through newspaper searching for distance education courses, Ritika and Cherry came home and invited me to their daughter's birthday. These past years, I mostly avoided such gatherings but now I want to attend the party as I want to move on.

At the party,

I dressed in a light blue colour dress and a wig and went to the venue. The venue looked beautiful. Children are playing games. The birthday girl is wearing a beautiful frock and is standing between her parents. I greeted them and talked to them for a while and when more guests started to come I excused myself and asked them to recieve the guests.

I want to talk to the ladies in the party as I know a lot of them but it's been years that actually had a proper conversation with them so it's very awkward for me to talk. But I managed to smile at few known faces and most of them reciprocated and talked to me while I had no idea what to say and mostly just listened to what the others are saying instead of talking. Many ladies gathered around me and badmouthed Krishna and his family for abandoning me which made me feel happy knowing that atleast few people emapthize with me. But soon after Ramya came to the party along with her kids, the ladies slowly started surrounding her leaving me alone.

I can't believe people who just badmouthed her are now around her and buttering her. Everyone wants to be in her good books. It's the privilege of being Krishna's wife. I don't know how much more influence he will have if he gets successful in politics.

I turned back when I felt someone tapping on my shoulder only to see Jhansi, my school mate. She looked very beautiful and confident in her designer gown which made me very conscious about the way I look. But she looked genuinely happy to see me and dragged me to where her friends are present. I felt so out of place but tried to greet them.

She introduced me to her friends as her schoolmate and later everyone started talking about their lives. Some talked about their business, some about their jobs and some about their children. I silently sat among them but Jhansi said, "Kaveri! Why are you so silent? Tell us about your life." I don't know what to say as my life is not a fairytale and seeing my silence she said, "I thought you would achieve something in your life. I mean you always stood first in the class. But now see! That is why I always say that marks are not important. Talent is important." Her friends laughed at her remarks and she continued, "I also heard that Krishna is divorcing you. Is it true?" To which I don't know what to say but she continued, "Is it because you are barren?" I hate the word barren. I hate it. This is the word everyone calls me. But I'm not barren. I want to slap her but I don't want to spoil the party and angrily went away from them and ended up sitting and crying in the garden.

I wiped my tears and turned back when I felt someone tapping on my shoulder and to my surprise I saw the same little girl again.

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