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Charlotte and esme were setting up the betting shop before they opened, when someone started banging on the door

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Charlotte and esme were setting up the betting shop before they opened, when someone started banging on the door. "We're not open for winnings yet" Charlotte shouted in the direction of the door.

"I'm here to see Thomas shelby" the voice called from behind the other side of the door. Both of the girls looked at each other in confusion, who did this voice belong to?

Charlotte shrugged before walking to the door, unlocking and opening it to see the woman from the auction, she also remembered the things Charlotte and the boys had shouted at Tommy when they were talking, it brought a slight smile to her face.

"I have an appointment" it was easy to tell she wasn't from here, her English prim and proper along with her wardrobe.

"Come in" Charlotte muttered, she didn't know why they had arranged to meet here or even why they were meeting, Thomas usually takes his meetings elsewhere from the betting shop.

The unnamed woman looked around the betting shop, fascinated by everything she was seeing. It wasn't open so the shop was lacking its usual busy atmosphere.

Charlotte and esme stood in front of the woman, their arms crossed not wanting her to explore the shop any further given the nature of their business.

"May carleton" she held her hand out to the two women infront of her, confused as to what was going on.

"Mr shelby has his proper meetings in his other office" esme didn't shake May's hand, she watched as may got confused.

"This was the address that he gave me" she gestured to the room around her.

"He gave you this address?" Charlotte raised a brow. This was new for Thomas; he never invited anyone here that wasn't family.

"He said it was a gambling den, I told him that I'd always wanted to see one since I'm always reading about them in the papers, quite the big scandal in the telegraph lately" she took a pause "anyway he said I could come and have a look" she took another deep breath "and now I feel a bit of an idiot because I'm early and he's late and I have no idea how to behave"

"In a gambling den" esme said softly, she was always so quietly spoken since Charlotte had gotten to know her.

"I'll wait in the car" she turned on her heel walking towards the door.

"If we open the door again they'll all want to come in, just take a seat I'm sure he will be here soon" Charlotte pointed in the direction of a vacant seat at the table.

Esme walked off , grabbing two large books and taking them to the table for her and Charlotte who had followed her over to the table, May stayed stood at the door.

"So what are you?" Esme asked the question she could tell Charlotte didn't want to ask.

"Wh-what am I?" May stuttered as she walked closer to the two women who were doing their own thing.

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