Chapter 3: Acquaintance with local residents

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Volodymyr POV

I was wathing the rest of the Siren Fleet I defeated sink to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. But I was interrupted by some commotion. As I looked back behind me, I see 8 Shipgirls, 2 of them were arguing with each, and the others 6 others looked at the scene, with the thought that now there will be a battle.

Enterprise: Who said he will join your faction? He will most likely join to us.

Akagi: Why should he join the likes of you?

Enterprise: And why would he join an old witch like you?

Akagi: You will regret this.

I was quickly angered by their argument, so I fired my machine gun into the sky to draw their attention to me.


And it worked because they stopped and they were scared because of the look I gave them that said "if you keep, I'll shoot you." Now that they had calmed down, I approached them.

Volodymyr: Are you calm now?

I see them nodding their heads in agreement.

Volodymyr: Good, because it seems to me that you wanted to talk to me, so what did you want to talk to me about?

Enterprise: Where did you come from?

Javelin: Are you actually a man?!

Prinz Eugen/Akagi: What is your name?!

Z23: Where did you get the rockets from?!

Belfast: What are these strange planes?!

Laffey: ...ZZZZ...

My God, they ask me so many questions, and they ask them so loudly, except for that girl who is very sleepy.

Volodymyr: Well I will answer all your questions, but if you don't mind, first I want to know your names beautiful ladies.

After my answer, they all blushed at my compliment.

All the girls looked at each other and nodded.


Volodymyr: And who will start?

Enterprise: Can I start first?

Girls: We don't mind.

Enterprise: Well, my name is Enterprise, the second Yorktown-class aircraft carrier, I'm from the Eagle Union.

I nodded my head.

Belfast: My name is Belfast, Town Class Light Cruiser, Chief of the Royal Maids of the Royal Navy.

I nodded my head.

Akagi: *bowed* My name is Akagi from the First Aircraft Carrier Division of the Sakura Empire, nice to meet you.

I nodded my head.

Prinz Eugen: My name is Prinz Eugen, the third heavy cruiser of the Admiral Hipper class, I'm from the Iron Blood, it's nice to meet you handsome, let's have some fun together *wink*.

I got a little sweat from my forehead after her words, but I nodded my head anyway.

Akagi is now looking at Eugen with a malicious look.

Z23: My name is Z23, destroyer, I'm from the Iron Blood, nice to meet you.

Ayanami: My name is Ayanami, a Fubuki-type destroyer, I'm from the Sakura Empire, nice to meet you.

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