Beach [quit following me, weirdo.]

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Another day.

At the Beach.

In borderland.

Do any of them know where borderland is? No. Do they know what it is? Also no. However Chishiya knows one thing.

That Niragi guy is weird as hell. All he has ever done since Chishiya and Kuina joined their stupid foundation, all he's done is harassed them. Especially Chishiya.

Oh, and the other players joined the Beach too. As they think the next game is gonna be held there. Chishiya and Kuina obviously know where and when it's gonna be held, but they don't. Better to keep it hidden, then, right?

Chishiya had been in a handful of other games with them. He'd say he knows them quite well by now. The games being Five of Spades, Four of Diamonds, and possibly one more.

He can't remember for the life of him nowadays, it seems like the games are corrupting his memories. Seems like this may be the case for Niragi too. And Kuina.

"Chi, Chi, CHI!" Kuina screeches in his ear, almost as if she's been doing it for five minutes already, has he really been zoned out that long?

"Huh?" Chishiya turns to Kuina, raising a lazy eyebrow, the bags under his eyes suddenly feeling heavy.

"I was asking if you wanted to go find Arisu and Usagi, we all have 3 days left on our Visa. Might as well make the most of it," she suggests, crossing one leg over the other and messing with her dreadlocks.

Chishiya stands up from where he and Kuina sit leaning against a pillar and shoves his earbuds into his swim short pockets, eyeing the way Kuina fixes her bikini top and shuffles her legs while pulling up her jeans. He liked her nonchalant demeanor. "Okay, lead the way,"

Kuina smiles and beckons for him to follow, which he does as they walk from the hallway infront of Hatter's office to outside at the pool.

Sure enough, Usagi and Arisu are there - as well as Ann, a few militants, and Niragi. His manic laughter almost drowns out the deafening music. The rest of the crowd, no less than 80 people in the small area, are members of the Beach - whom they don't know. Usagi ditched her teal jacket for a bikini top and black capris, whilst Arisu has an open jacket on and swim shorts.

Ann has her white mesh-like cardigan over a black bikini top and jean shorts, her neatly painted toenails gleaming and shimmering in the dim party lights as she lounges on a pool chair. A glance over at Niragi shows he's ditched his usual outfit.

Chishiya observes, noting how he has black leather flip flops on and zebra pattern swim shorts on - just like his usual shirt. Except for a shirt, he has an open short-sleeve white button -up that exposes a few scars littered on his chest and a chain. It's safe to say he still had his rifle sitting seemingly innocent next to where him and a handful of militant members who laugh drunkenly at his idiotic jokes.

Kuina pushes through the crowd and leads Chishiya by the wrist to where Usagi and Arisu sit in a slightly closed off area. Once they get there the two turn to face them, Usagi's eyes twinkling kindly. A grin breaks through on Arisu's face, beckoning for them to sit down.

"Hey you two, what's up?" Arisu asks, shuffling slightly to face Kuina, looking at both Chishiya and her. Usagi mimics his movements.

"We have 3 days left on our Visa's, and so do you guys, so me and him decided to make the most out of it and hangout!" Usagi and Kuina exchange a glance, them look at the boys and back at each other, Usagi smiles and takes Kuina's hands in hers.

"We would love to, Arisu and I were actually about to come find you since Ann seems to be asleep - I mean just look at how comfortable she looks!" Usagi comments, gesturing toward Ann who has her sunglasses on her face and is laying down on a pool lounge chair.

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