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"A good friend will

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"A good friend will

see your flaws,

and choose to stay"

-something I randomly came up with that I'm sure millions of others have too


Star City after a downpour is the worst.

Aesthetically pretty sure, but running at an inhuman speed through thick puddles is not enjoyable. The only reason why they're that deep too is because it never rains in Star City. So water gathers in divots where no sewer drain was placed and it's utterly tiring to dodge.

Thankfully, zeta tubes are a thing now,

Not a new thing, but more of an "I've finally got access to use this thing that would've really helped but not too much because I'm the fastest man alive" thing.

He's pretty sure all the apprentices, except for Sparrow, just got permission. Sparrow and his Batman privileges. Red Arrow and himself have been loser sidekicks for almost as long as the bird. Yet, only now can they scientifically warp across the country.

Wally can still remember the first time Roy took the zeta. Fully confident, Wally pushed himself to be first. It was an underwhelming experience. Sure, it was faster than running, but it had the same feeling as speed force. The little jitter and stomach drop was just a common occurrence as eating eggs for breakfast.

When the other red head went through, he automatically held his mouth shut with his hand. His eyes widened and he refused to talk, just holding his other hand out. Wally ran to bring him a bucket of sorts for the inevitable.

Apparently, that's not uncommon. In fact, it was strange that he didn't throw up or even feel the little bit nauseous. Barry confided in him explaining the same experience. Afterwards, he got some dirt on the Green Lantern.

So there were only two reasons why Kid Flash would ever need to use the zeta tubes. One, because running made him hungry. And two, to avoid puddles, or just rain in general. Seriously, getting pelted in the face with tiny drops of water is not as fun as it sounds.

A familiar zapping sound followed by a beep to indicate the tube's doors opening filled Kid's ears. Then the automated female voice announced,

"Kid Flash B-zero-three."

"Kid, how'd you manage to use the 'tubes and still be late?" Sparrow teased.

"Well, short pint," Sparrow narrow his eyes, the mask somehow tracking that, "because Barry-"

"If you use Barry as an excuse one more time I'll break your legs." Artemis threatened. She looked her normal, high ponytail that he's totally going to tie into knots as revenge. This time maybe to her bow?

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