Chapter 4

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With Scotland

America calms down your father is going to be just fine! Scotland was not able to calm the country down he wanted to get his dad back.

America: How can I be calm if that fucking German has my dad!

Canada: America you need to stop this now your scaring Kiwi.


The voice boomed through the room it was Australia. He was feed up with them all fighting he looked at America with his sea green eyes that shined because of the sun and told him that the only way they can get their father back is if they go to war. America grabbed a piece of paper and started to wright in it. He went outside and put the note in a mail slot and went back inside.

Canada: What did you just do?

America: I'm going to fight in this war that's what I did.

America spoke with anger and fear it wasn't the first time he went to war, but he was going up agents many countries and there were very little countries fighting back for their country. As the days had passed and the family now split apart from each other and their father nowhere to be found things weren't going well for them.

[Time skip :D]

There was a letter on the doorstep for America from Japan. He was going to fight Japan in this war he looked at the note and then turned to look at his brothers. I'm going to war agents Japan, Canada in need you to keep them safe, don't let anything happen to them. Canda looked at his brother and cried and shook his head. I won't let "sniff" anything ha-ppen to them." America smiled then went to his room to pack his things but saw that Kiwi had followed him upstairs.

America: What's up Kiwi?

Kiwi: Are you going to go save daddy?

America: Yes, I'm going to go get father and the others but first in need to go talk to Mr. Japan.

Kiwi: Please stay safe big brother.

America hugged his little brother than took him to his room to put him do bed it was almost 9 -pm America went back to his room to wright some more in his notebook to leave for Canda and his brothers just in case he lost the battle between him and Japan. He finished writing and then put the book on the side of his bed and went to sleep to prepare for the battle between him and Japan.

With Ussr

Germany: So, what do you want to do about Poland it's not like he is going to go anywhere his body is split in two.

Ussr looked at Germany and thought to himself why am I helping a man that I have no history with, he has hurt so many people and he hurt the one person I care about... Ussr didn't respond and left the room he was tired of hearing Germany talk. But Germany was not having a nice time with working with Ussr he was getting angry with the man the next day they went out on a walk in the forest Germany was looking around not giving three shit about Ussr. Then when they got deep enough into the forest Germany pulled a gun out of his pocket and shot it at Ussr and the bullet hit Ussr in his left eye, Germany ran and left Ussr by himself in the forest, but Ussr got back to Germanys bass and took Britian with him and left back to his land not letting Germany know that he was alive.

(Did you know that if someone shot you in the eye you wouldn't survive because your brain is behind your eyes. Sorry I'm just weird like that. :D)

As Ussr was going back to his home, he had to carry Britian in his arms which wasn't a bad thing just made him feel funny he was not used to carrying people around the only people had carried was Germany (Not third rich) and his own kids plus, they we're never asleep or slowly dying in his arms -_-. As the day got colder as they were walking to the small cabin in the woods Ussr checked on Britian's possessions and, on his pulse, to see if he was still alive when he did, he could feel that his pulse was dropping Ussr start's running in the snow, the snow was making a crunch sound as he stepped in the snow the wind blowing in the air as the cold breeze blowing in his face he puts his ushanka on Britian's head to keep him from freezing as his coat was brushing against the snow he could see a small light in the distances it was the cabin as he got to the cabin down he kicked to door open and went to one of the couchs and put Britain down but before he went to help Britain he went and cleaned up his eye and put an eyepatch on it to keep people from seeing his now not to be found eye.

He turned to see Britian still on the couch but begging to breathe again. He was slowly regaining consciousness, but Ussr went to one of the small cupboards and grabbed a blanket and a pillow and went back over to the couch and put the blanket on Britian and put the pillow behind his head and let him rest, Ussr sat down on the other side of the couch and fell asleep next to Britian but Britian woke up still trying to sleep and laid on Ussr and fell asleep.




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