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“Haha how about we hangout tomorrow?” I smiled at her smile. She was beautiful.

“Sure! Where would you like to meet?” I could hear Robbie and my dad talking behind me. Poor Robbie. He was so drunk.

“How about the mall? On Franklin?”

“Yeah!” I said over the music. “Sounds great!” She handed me a napkin with her number. I smiled and put it in my pocket. “I’ll give you a call!”

“Jaaammmiieee… Lets goooo..” Robbie said in my ear. I scrunched my face and waved Stacy good bye.

That night I laid in bed and couldn’t get her out of my mind. She was the first person I called the next day. I made plans to meet her at one. When I got there we walked and had a great time. She linked arms with me as we made our way through the department stores trying on some of the most ridiculous outfits. It was all going smoothly until,

“You’re so awesome! I’m so glad I met you.” I smiled.

“Yeah you too.” Here it is! This is my moment! Just lean in and kiss her. Don’t waste no time, you cant let a moment like this just slip by. I leaned forward abit and saw her smile and lean forward. This is going to be amazing!

“We are going to be the bestest friends!” Her arms wrapped around me squeezing my arms to my body. I made a groan as she squished the air out of me.  Are you kidding me?! I just got pushed into the friend zone. This whole time I thought we were on a date! What just happened! We were having a great conversation at the club!

Before I continue I better go back a bit. Give you a little history of myself, and then we’ll get back to the mall and pick up where I left off.

     Ok. My name is Jamie Keller I grew up in a tiny town population lucky to be 30. In fact our town was so small, we had to go to school in the next town over. School for me was a great experience. I was very popular, but I wasn’t so snobby. I was just myself and treated people equally. I got myself involved with a good bit of school activities like cheerleading, softball, and volleyball. No I was not a goodie two shoes who was stuck up and wouldn’t give you the time of day; Although I did have two good shoes and dressed in the latest Hollister and Abercrombie and Fitch apparel. It was the “fancy” stuff in my town. Now that doesn’t mean I was rich, I just worked my ass off for my clothes. (And my parents would chip in at times) I could never get the hang of high heels so I always wore flats or converse. These seemed to tone down the prep a bit. I know what you’re thinking you must have been one of those who cared for their grades then, an honors nerd. Actually I made mostly B’s and took no honors classes. I wasn’t even in the honor roll. Now that other guy Robbie Stevens, he’s my best friend. He was born a day after me so we were in the hospital the same time. We’ve been inseparable ever since; not to mention, our mothers are “BFF’s” so he was over… A lot! Our mothers thought we would get married. High school for him was basically the same for me, but the only sport he did was baseball, that was until he threw out his shoulder. He did try out for the golf team freshman year. Now we just go play putt putt. We stuck together all through high school and became the “It couple” everyone rooted for and wanted to be. It made sense, popular platinum blonde cheerleader, and tall popular dark haired handsome drink of water; so it wasn’t surprising when we won prom Queen and King.  We had showed up with another couple, and it wasn’t till after that, that everyone learned that couple had actually been our dates; Yes we’re gay, so you can imagine how awkward I felt dancing with Robbie. We didn’t necessarily hide our preference in a better half, just no one asked. Needless to say they were shocked but not as shocked as when our families found out. My dad (Jameson) didn’t care, he actually thought it was cool. My mom (Tammy) was a bit taken back for a while but she said she loved me and would be there like any mother would. My grandmother (Doesn’t matter) on the other hand, was very religious so she gave me this huge rant, you’re going to hell for this; you really need to change your life around! You are disgraceful and bring shame to this family; you need a heart to heart with Jesus! Why can’t you be more like Robbie and be respectful and considerate to the people around you? BlahBlah.  In which I said, but I am nana! Robbie’s gay too. She nearly flipped out of her chair. Yeah, we don’t go to her church anymore. As far as Robbie’s parents, they felt and acted a bit weird at first. It was almost as if he told them he had a contagious disease. Thanks to the help of my mother and father they loosened up and realized that in reality nothing was wrong with their son and nothing about him ever really changed since telling them. I believe they just wanted to stay in denial.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2013 ⏰

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