•𝙵𝚘𝚛 𝚈𝚘𝚞•

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| When he cries infront of you.
You as a pretty nerd, him as the bad boy who likes you|

"You know I heard jungkook got into a fight again yesterday with some boys from others school" your friend wonyoung said making you sigh and close the book you were reading.
"So? It has nothing to do with me. If he wants to fight let him I don't care"

"Oh come on y/n the whole school knows he likes you! I know you like him too so stop pretending like you don't care" you scoff at her words. What makes her think you like the bad boy?

You're the total opposite of him. A good girl who loves to study and read books, a total nerd you can say but just because you've a nerd doesn't mean you're ugly and boring. People call you the pretty nerd because you are a bookworm but still you're damn pretty and have a good fashion sense, good in sports also you're a social butterfly who is admired by all.

"Me? Like jungkook? Hah not even in my dreams wony. I hate violence and he always cause them so what makes you think I like him huh?" You cross your arms around your chest and raise a brow at your friend.

"Right...you don't. But they say opposite attract each other so who knows what will happen" you roll your eyes and stood up.
"Okay that's enough. I'm hungry so let's go eat" you extended your hand out for her to hold which she gladly did.

"Fine... you're stubborn af"
"I know" you pass her a huge fake smile which she obviously recognised. You always do that when she teases you just to annoy her.

You're both now eating peacefully while talking about random stuff when suddenly the students in cafeteria gasp and start whispering.
"Oh shit! Y/n look behind you!" Wonyoung point at something behind you with her chopsticks.

You turn back only to see Jungkook entering the cafeteria with bandages covering his forehead ,his left hand was also plastered with bandage and the corner of his lips had a small wound.

He looks like a mess.

"I guess the fight yesterday was pretty serious...." Wonyoung whispered with her eyes was on him as he took a seat right beside your table where his friends were.

"Man...you look ugly with like this" you heard his friends teasing him.
"Y/n is probably scared seeing you like this. Right Y/n?" His friend mentioned you out of the blue. Jungkook turn to look at you who was side eyeing him which made his heart thump loudly.

He promised himself that he'll stop picking up fights so that you would not hate him but he fail every time.
He knows you don't like him the way he does because of his bad reputation.

His friend suddenly touch the part of  wounded lips making him hiss and smack his hand away.
"It hurts you jerk!" He snap rudely then pick up the chopsticks with his righ hand and ate his food.

"Bro why so rude? I was just checking" his friend said but jungkook ignored him and continued to eat.

"Why don't you ask Y/n to kiss your wounds I'm sure it'll heal faster" his friends continued to tease him making him unknowingly smile shyly just thinking about you actually doing that.
"Ohh he's shy. See Y/n the bad boy is shy because of you! He's becomes all soft for you how sweet "

You're sigh feeling tired of all this and stood up catching their attention.
"Wony I'll go get some fresh air outside you wanna join me?" She nodded and you two left the place.

"Oops she clearly doesn't have interest in you dude just give up trying " jungkook threw his chopsticks on the table as he lost his appetite as soon as you left because his friends couldn't keep their mouths shut.

"Why the fuck did you say that!" He glare at his friend.
"We're just trying to help you"
"I don't need your help! I can talk to her by myself" with that said in a rude way he stood up abruptly and left his friends who were so done with his behaviour.

Wonyoung left you cause she has classes to attend right now while you have a class at 1 pm.

You were enjoying the silence while looking up at the blue sky when someone sat down beside you which made you startled. And the someone is non other than Him. Jeon Jungkook.

"What do you want?" You ask him without moving your gaze from the sky.
"Y/n... I'm hurt can't you see?" He stare at you which made you shift your gaze to him.
"And? You deserve it for always fighting everytime"

Your words made him sad but it's true. If he stop picking up fights he will be not get hurt physically and also maybe you'll finally like him back.

"I know... I'll refrain myself from now onwards...for you" you blink your eyes on hearing his last two words.
"Why jungkook? Why me?" He look down and place his palm on top of your hand after alot of hesitation, afraid that you'll push him away but you didn't which made him relief.

"Why not you? My heart wants you so it'll always be you. It's cliche to say that you're different but indeed you are...at least for me." He nervously held your hand and you didn't push him, wanting to see how far he'll go.

"Please y/n give me one chance and I'm ready to do anything to make you happy... I want someone to care and love me...to tell me that what I'm doing is not good.... I'll stop all my bad deeds for you just please be with me"

He look at you with his doe eyes making you question yourself whether he's the same jungkook who use to fight with others and is rude af with almost everyone.

"I have no one who loves and care for me...my parents never made me feel loved... everytime they quarrel and argue about me I pick a fight to release my stress and anger... I'm lonely Y/n I'm just a boy who crave for love and affection so please don't push me away too like everyone does"

Jungkook vision became blurred with tears as shared his pain with you and you felt bad for him deep down. You always thought he beat people because he thinks he's cool and strong but no. You thought wrong.

You wipe his tears away and scan his bruise face while he stare at you with sad smile on his lips.
"I'm sorry for what you have to go through... I didn't know you are going through all this..."

"Then love me the way I love you ... I only want your love and affection please y/n" his lips tremble and tears were filling his eyes again scared that you'll also push him away.
"Don't cry...." You wipe his tears again and cup his face making him lean into your soft touch.

"I'll give you a chance to win my heart" Jungkook's eyes widened and a happy smile formed on his bruise lips on hearing your words.
"Really!? You're ready to be mine?" You shook your head causing the huge smile to fall.
"Not yet. I said you have to win my heart first and make me fall for you"

"Ohh... I can do that! I'll try hard and earn your love for me" he said with alot of excitement making you smile softly.
"Y/nie...can you treat my wounds? I just wrap band-aids but didn't apply medicine" he pout and adjust the band-aids on his forehead which is turned red because of the blood.

"Silly boy. I'll treat it this time. If you dare get injured again next time I won't talk to you!" He gasp dramatically once you said that.
"Noo! I promise I'll be a better man For you!"
"You better. Now come on let's go to the infirmary"

You stand up and held your hand out for him to hold. He smiles shyly and held your hands in his big ones then you both walk towards the building while talking and laughing about random stuff.

A simple oneshot for today.

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