Chapter 24

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Everything froze and Ciel could see the horror that he had stumbled upon before him as if it were in slow motion. The sound of blood rushed in his ears and his breath caught in his throat at the sight of Alois's limp body being supported by his thin knees on the mattress and the firm grip of Claude's hand wrapped tightly around his neck. The man kneeled on the bed as well, his face whipping around to glare bright magenta eyes at the intruder who has so rudely interrupted his meal. At seeing who it was, a slow evil smile began to spread over his face and Alois's unconscious blonde head lolled backwards as only the smallest signs of life still remained.

A second later, Ciel found himself flying through the air, jacket discarded and wings breaking free from the confines of his body once more as he slammed hard into Claude's chest. The three men tumbled from the bed in a series of grunts and forced breaths as the angel and demon landed on the ground while Alois was thrown in the opposite direction, colliding with a desk before crumbling into a heap on the carpet.

Both supernatural beings leapt to their feet, shaking off the impact as if it were nothing and taking a defensive stance. Claude chuckled lowly at the sight of Ciel crouching bare chested with white wings spread wide behind him; the large blues eyes furious as he kept a tight grip on the sword in his right hand. The angel had come looking to fight to the death and the demon wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

"So, I see you've finally found out what your sweet, sweet Sebastian is." He purred, magenta flickering back to amused gold as he adjusted the glasses on the bridge of his nose. "Honestly, I thought you would have come to that conclusion just a little earlier." Claude snickered with delight as the small jaw clenched in anger. "Tell me, little slayer, did you kill my dear Commander tonight?" He mused, taking a step to the side and rolling his shoulders, making them pop loudly.

Ciel hissed and matched his movements, making sure to keep enough distance between them so the demon couldn't reach him before he could make a counter attack. His eyes narrowed as he watched his opponent carefully, taking into account that they were in a much smaller space than when he had battled Hannah. The restriction of his movements could prove to be dangerous and Ciel pulled his wings a little closer to his body to compensate for it.

"I should have guessed you were a demon." He snarled, keeping an eye on Claude's hands and the dark nails that could at any moment become a formidable weapon. "There was always something disturbingly creepy about you. Guess my instincts weren't that far off." The demon hummed in approval at the statement. "And to answer your question, no, I didn't harm Sebastian, but you, on the other hand," Ciel grinned, tightening his grip on the sword's handle, "will be a different matter entirely."

"Oh, really?" Claude questioned playfully, eyebrow arching in a manner that only annoyed the angel all the more. "So, while you are busy killing me, who pray-tell will be helping to stop the bleeding from the nasty gash in your beloved friend's head?" Ciel froze in his steps, face blanching at the inquiry before glancing over to the spot where Alois lay.

Cobalt spheres widened in horror as he took in the pale unmoving hand that was now surrounded by an ever growing crimson soaked carpet, the rest of his friend's body was obstructed from his view by the bed. Without thinking, Ciel leapt over the mattress, forgetting all about his promise to slaughter Claude in favor of helping out Alois. The angel immediately fell to his knees, dropping his sword and gathering up the unresponsive form in his arms.

"Alois. Alois! Wake up!" Ciel demanded, as he cradled the blonde head next to his shoulder. A warm slick fluid seeped onto his fingers and he pulled back his hand to see it completely covered in blood. His stomach turned at the sight, but he ignored it and quickly reached for a discarded piece of clothing, applying it with firm pressure to the wound. "Come on, come on. You're going to be OK." Voice shaking with uncertainty even as he said it.

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