Chapter 48

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"Stop! Oh God, please, I beg you!" The desperate plea echoed throughout the room between labored pants and peals of breathy laughter. Ciel wriggled and twisted in an attempt to get away from the dark tipped fingers that deftly attacked his sides. "Ha-ah, haha, please-ah, Sebastian. Quit it!" He yelped, turning on over only to have the demon follow with a wide grin on his face.

It was a cold and dreary afternoon, rain pattered against the windows of the Phantomhive estate as the city was being hit by another wave of torrential weather. Outside the sky may have been filled with angry dark clouds that poured upon the earth buckets of sleet and freezing rain, however, inside Ciel's bedroom there was only warmth and happiness.

The pair had decided to spend the day in bed, reading and talking lazily about any topic that struck their interest. It was cozy and wonderful like this, lying naked in the soft sheets, legs entangled, fingers caressing over exposed skin with unhurried and fluid movements. Nothing to do, but enjoy one another's company and comforting security while the world went to Hell right outside.

"Pleas-aahhhh, I-I can't breathe!" Ciel gasped, hysterical giggles making it difficult to form the words as Sebastian continued to tickle him mercilessly. The demon chuckled at the way the angel tried to burrow further into the sheets, the soft cheeks now bright pink with laughter. "Truce! Truce!" He screamed, grabbing ahold of Sebastian's wrists and pulling them from his body.

Blue gazed into amused crimson as Ciel fought to calm his racing heart and needy lungs. Sebastian snickered at the sight, the slayer smiling in spite of himself. Done with this so-called 'torture', the demon rolled onto his bag, dragging Ciel with him. He adjusted the smaller body to rest between his thighs, letting the slate covered head come to rest comfortably on his chest. A happy sigh was heard as the young man snuggled into his lover's embrace, letting the long arms wrap around his back and hold him close.

"Who would have thought that the almighty Demon Slayer could be reduced to a twittering mess just by being tickled." Sebastian hummed aloud, chuckling at the annoyed snort made near his pectoral. "Quite an interesting Achilles heel, don't you agree?" He grunted as Ciel delivered a sharp bite to his sternum as a response.

"Being ticklish is normal." He grumbled, yawning as he nuzzled a cheek into smooth skin. Ciel's eyes slid shut, inhaling deeply through his nose and taking in the spicy scent of Sebastian's body. "It's you that are odd not being like that." To prove his point, slim fingertips danced down the demon's side, the touch provoking no reaction.

"Oh, but I am not without weaknesses." Sebastian replied, tracing random patterns along Ciel's back and lulling the angel to sleep. "They just aren't the physical kind." A small nod was given, telling the man that what he just said had been understood. Sebastian leaned forward to plant a light kiss to the angel's crown before settling back into the pillows once again.

The rain continued for the next few days, coming in waves of heavy downpours to light drizzles and making the air all around them thick like water. However, Sebastian and Ciel stayed curled up in one another, waiting out the storm together in this little bubble of space that they called their own.

Time would separate them one day, that was inevitable, but in this moment, that didn't matter. For now, they had each other and they would hold on to that with desperate hands until the last second when one of them had to let go . . .

Ciel's eyes fluttered open as consciousness crept unwanted back in. He groaned quietly, wishing that he could have stayed in the blissful ignorance that was his mind instead of facing the reality which was now his and Alois's dreadful situation.

He glanced down to see that his friend was curled up next to him, blond hair splayed out messily into the white feathers of his wings. The angel smirked when he noticed that Alois was using them as makeshift pillow; a small string of drool hanging from his snoring mouth. Ciel mused at how some things never changed, like how Alois could sleep through a hurricane. Even while being kept prisoner in Hell the young man managed to slumber deeply and peacefully.

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