Chapter 25

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Ciel let loose a tortured sounding cry, his small body racked with heavy sobs as he hugged the shell of his friend close to him. His wings encircled them both, the pristine white feathers being smeared with Alois's blood, but the angel couldn't bring himself to care. He had just lost one of the most important people in his life and he was partly, if not completely, to blame.

He cried for so many things; his parents, Alois, Father Lau and Sister Mao, Hannah's victims and all those killed before them. He cried for Sebastian and what he actually was, but most of all, Ciel cried for himself and selfishly wished for once that he had never been born so that he wouldn't know what it was like to lose so much. Never before had he questioned God and the Almighty's decisions, but now, the angel found himself wondering why he was expected to suffer to such an extent. It just wasn't fair.

Sebastian knitted his brows in concern at the way Ciel broke down into a hysterical sobbing mess over Alois's death. He had felt the tiny bit that was left of the young man's soul depart and was alarmed at the angel's anguish cries that now tore through his very being. Not knowing what else to do, Sebastian quickly kneeled and enveloped Ciel from behind, wrapping his long arms around the wing cradled bodies and whispered soothing words into the small ear.

The angel's head leaned back into the crook of the demon's neck, eyes squeezed tightly shut as he continued to grieve fiercely the loss of his friend. The three stayed like this, Ciel holding onto Alois and Sebastian holding onto Ciel until the sun broke through the night sky. As the new day began, the angel dried his eyes and left the dead body that used to be his best friend, unsure of how he was going to move forward without him.

A thin opaque layer of condensation covered the mirror and a small hand swept over the smooth glass to expose the reflective surface beneath. Wide blue eyes that looked too big for the face they were set in stared back at their owner as more of the heavy droplets were removed until Ciel was visible. He exhaled long and loud through his nose at what he saw, but it did nothing ease the dull ache in his chest. It had been a little over a week since Alois had died and in that time things had moved so quickly that Ciel felt lost and numb to world.

Sebastian eventually had to pry the angel off his friend as dawn approached, the young man resisting the attempts to leave the side of his best friend, but had finally given in as exhaustion took over. The demon had carried him back to his dorm room and tucked the then unconscious Ciel into his bed where he proceeded to watch over him until he awoke. Sebastian would be lying if he said he wasn't worried about his lover's psychological state at this point, the image of Ciel falling to pieces in Alois's dorm room was still fresh in his mind.

When the student finally woke up, he didn't say much and only nodded in response to most inquiries. Ciel wanted to go home and against his better judgment, Sebastian obliged, escorting him to the estate where they were both greeted by a teary eyed Angelina who had just gotten off the phone with Father Spears who had informed her of Alois's passing. Ciel accepted her open arms and they proceeded to comfort one another while he listened to the details his aunt had been given.

The police had labeled the drama student's death as a breaking and entering having gone horribly wrong. The forced entry, signs of struggle and broken window lead them to believe that the assailant had most likely been looking to rob the dorm rooms, most of which were empty due to the holiday, and accidentally stumbled upon Alois sleeping. They fought and in the end, the student had banged his head against the desk and the burglar had fled through the window. It was a plausible excuse and one that would make sense to the general populace of the community which was already on edge from the unsolved multiple murders earlier in the year.

Medical Examiner Midford had ruled Alois's cause of death as cardiac arrest from blood loss associated with the laceration to his head; however, Ciel knew better. Still, he told no one, not even Father Spears about what had happened that night, instead choosing to act ignorant when sat down by the priest to be told the actual theory behind the blonde's murder. The clergyman believed a demon to have been involved and that Alois was another victim of supernatural deaths, the same as the female students before. This meant there was another demon on the loose and Ciel just didn't have the energy or the desire to tell him that there were actually two running around campus.

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