1.New life

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It was the early 1890 year, 30th November. One winter evening a man came home, with full of bruises and blood all over his body. It was sure that he was in a fight. The door was slammed and he rush into his house, breathing heavily and it was obvious that he was scared by something. "What happened to you? What is this?? " A woman ask giving him water quickly and a damp towel to wipe off his blood. " Where is Mi Cha ? Whe..where is she??" He asked with shivering voice. " She was hanging the laundry to dry. Why did you ask? Is there something wrong with her again?" She sure is looking sad, to hear some bad news again about her daughter from her husband. " She need to go.." Mi Cha dad said. " What are you talking about? Go where? Where will our Mi Cha go??" She cried out. She didn't want anything bad to happen to their daughter when her life is already miserable because of her father. Her father, who never show love or care about her daughter existence. Tell her to work like a servant. Sometimes Mi Cha thought that she is not her father child, but the reason was only that their first child is not a boy. "If she don't go...did you want me to die?? How will you survive without me? What will you do is something bad happens to me??" He spoke out with a shivering voice. " What is all this about? Tell me what is going on?" Mi Cha mother asked.
" The king...i went over there..".  
"no no no..why would you go there?? I told you not to go.."
"Who are you to tell me what to do? Are you my mother?? Huhh..packed all of her stuff and let her leave tonight immediately. Or else our family will be ruined". He say it without any guilt. Her mother was sobbing as soon as she heard what will happen to her daughter. She feel so helpless. "My poor daughter...what did she do to deserve this.." she talked to herself while her tears fall down her cheeks. Mi Cha, who listened the whole conversation of her mom and dad from the outside. She feel so sad to cause a headache for her parents. She went inside the house quietly and head over to her room. She packed all of her stuff without anyone knowing. Her mom who was in their room think about it quietly, whether she will send off her daughter or let her run away from their home...she did not know what to do.


Her mother came out of the room. Mi Cha already prepared the dinner by herself. "Oh mother! You here. Eat before it get cold. And where is father? Have he came back from work? He might be tired so I made him a tofu soup." She smiled brightly as nothing happened. Her mother cant control her tears anymore. She cried out, sobbing infront of her daughter. She never  cried before infront of her kids. She always hide her sorrow infront of them, but now she can't do that anymore. Mi Cha went over her, comforting her mother as possible as she can. "Why did you cry mother? Is work getting stressful lately?..you also should get some rest"  she hide all of her feelings infront of her mom. " Serim..Sejin dinner is ready. Come and eat faster before it get cold. Mother i already ate it so let me do my work ok. Make sure you eat" she smiled brightly. Mi Cha head over her room and ready to leave as soon as her family finished their dinner and go for sleep. She wait it all night for her family to sleep. She take out a paper and an ink with a brush. She wrote a letter for her mom "mother don't worry too much. Life will get better if I'm away from you. Father will love you again like he used to. And I hope I can find my own happiness too. I will always feel grateful to be your child - Mi Cha." she leave behind it on the table. As soon as her family fall asleep Mi Cha head out of her home. Feeling hopeless but she can't do nothing. She took out a horse from the stable, the one which is stronger might be helpful for her family so she took the weaker one and a small one. So like that Mi Cha said goodbye to her family.


She look through the map and follow it where the Northern East Kingdom was located. Snow is falling, it was cold and Mi Cha was shivering. But finally she arrived at her destination, The Northern East Kingdom. It was an old white coloured, with the best building blocks. The gate was huge and the surrounding of the castle were beautiful. Lots of flowers, trees and a beautiful fountain in front of the kingdom. Mi Cha was amazed by the beauty of this kingdom. She never saw such a nice house. "This is insane. Is this a cursed or a blessed for me? It might be not as bad as i thought "  she said. As soon as she finished scanning the kingdom, she got down from the horse try to knock the gate but do people knock gates? She opened the gate by herself, it was huge and yes ofcourse it is tiredsome. The squeaking sound made the servants come out of the castle. "How did people see through it?" The servants question it. "Who is there?" They shouted. Mi Cha was startled of the loud voice. "Uhh..i am..i am Mi Cha, Choi Mi Cha. I am here for the king order " they got it as soon as she said that it was the king order. They bow to her, Mi Cha was clueless and question herself why they bow to her. "Haha...it's not like I'm a beauty queen. You can get up now" she said it jokingly.  "Follow me your highness ".
"You-your highness?? Why did they call me like that. Am i a queen or something"  Mi Cha question herself again.


They entered the castle, it was sure full of fancy things, everything inside tha castle are beautiful and shiny. The couch, the vase, the window, chandelier and everything else, it is sure they are expensive. Mi Cha was amazed as soon as the went inside. She was with her few dress inside a suitcase.
"This way, your highness" they show her a stairway which will lead her to the room.
"Ohh okay" she said and carried her tiny suitcase.
"Let me take that you're highness" they offer a hand but she say it's okay and pull away from them.
The king came out from his room, heading to the stairway. As soon as he came near the stairway Mi Cha look up and saw him. He have a beautiful eyes, nose, lips and a perfect body. But most importantly, his moles on the side of his nose is the point. Mi Cha never saw such a handsome man before, but strangely Mi Cha never felt any butterflies in her stomach or her heart never got flutter, not even once in her life. Will she be able to fall in love with the king? Because that is the reason she was here. The king looked for a wife all over the past year. He believed that if she find one, he might fall for her. But no one ever shou up to him as he was popular as a beast from the Northern East. The kingdom was no longer to be seen by people because the kingdom vanished long time ago. But people has a chance to see the king, only the king when they search for him at the Northern East. But they never got back alive, so people are afraid and avoiding the Northern East. The king never aged as it was in his cursed. He was still in his 18th. He will aged when he find a true love.


Mi Cha go up to the stairs as the king was just standing there staring at her. But unfortunately, Mi Cha drop her suitcase which fall down the stairs and it got open, exposing Mi Cha, all of her dress, belongings and most of all, her panty...ooohhh she is so unlucky ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ
"Andweee..." Everyone stare at her opened wide suitcase. They look shocked and pick it up immediately.
"Here you go your highness" they hand it over her. She was stunned to speak. She just look back and continue to went upstairs like nothing happened.


Mi Cha look at the king and bow. The king look at her with no emotion on his face.
"So..you are the one."

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