II Rhaenyra

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King's Landing – 111 AC

I could only smirk as I walked down the halls of the Red Keep. I could not believe how easy it has become to play this game. The game of thrones. Then again, this time aorund I know a lot of things I did not before and my reputation has not been ruined yet because of that Highwhore. I was a lawfully wedded wife of the Prince of Dorne and if I wanted to be as seductive and wild as I desired, it was ok now. Because I am the wife of a dornishman and the court would only see it as me being a good wife and having a healthy marriage.

It also helped that I was no longer the unwanted heir to the Iron Throne, but it is my son the one that will succeed my kepa. If anything all I've been getting is the goodwill of the court wishing me to have a soon and safe pregnancy.

As for my husband, I was not expecting him to be who he was. He was sweet and protective like my previous lover Harwin, but passionate and unyielding like my ex-husband Daemon. He trained me with the spear and went riding Syrax with me. We read together and got to know each other. I could see he had fallen hard for me and if I had been younger mentally or less damaged I would have too. But history has taught me better than to fall hard and allow my emotions to dictate what I do. It cost me my crown and my children in my past life. I will not allow it to happen again this time around.

However, that does not mean I am cold with him. I could not allow him to stray, especially with how open the dornish are. I enjoy his company and he is great in bed, always making sure I enjoy it as well. I could see myself falling for him slowly, but as I mentioned before, I will be careful this time around.

"Cousin! These are the candidates for matron for the new orphanages!" Laena told me, bringing me back from my thoughts.

That's right, Laena and Learon had stayed in King's Landing with their parents. While, Crolys was given a seat as Master of Ships and Learon was squired by Daemon, the Lord Commander of the City Watch. Laena was given the position as Chief Lady in Waiting of the Princess, while also taking her time to get to know her new betrothed. While she had known Daemon as her cousin, she was getting to know him more as a romantic partner. Their wedding will be in a year, as the royal family has already had one big wedding and tourney in the name of my husband and I.

"Then, let's get to work," I smiled, greeting the women my ladies have handpicked themselves.

That's right. My plan to create the soup kitchens, schools, and orphanages with the money I've taken from the Faith was happening. I've made sure to have all hands on deck for it, with me at the helm. The people have started me calling me the Realm's Delight once more, not only beautiful on the outside but from the inside as well. No longer are the days I was called Maegor with tits. This time around I was doing a good job.

The hard thing is to keep doing so.

"Are ok cousin?" Laena asked me concerned. "You look pale and more tired than usual."

"It's been a busy couple of months," I replied, trying to smile in reassurance.

"Maybe so, but I think you should see a maester or at least the healers your husband brought from Dorne," she told me worriedly.

The healers, right. The came all the way to Essos and are what Dorne mostly use for healing. They are both female and male, unlike the maesters they are not bonded to any institution but faithful to their employers. After I mentioned the bad care given to my mother throughout her pregancies, Qoren made sure to hire and bring many with him. We've also hires teachers and caretakers from Essos to lead the schools and orphanages in the city. It will lessen the influence of the Faith and the Catidal. Maybe then other lord and ladies will follow suit.

"Ok, I will," I promised, taking my leave and going to my chambers. "Call Healer Sedan," I told my maid, who rushed away after bowing. "Don't give me that look, I am healthy just tired," I warned my Sworn Shield. I did not need to turn around and look to know he was needlessly worrying about me. I calmly entered my chambers and waited for the healer to come and take a look at me. Once she was done I heard the veredict stunned. "Can you repeat that pleas?"

"Of course, congratulations your highness, it seems like you are expecting your first child," she smiled at me kidnly.

"I thought you had said that," I muttered dumbfounded.

I knew my fertility was good, but that fast?!

"Congratulations princess!" Harwin told me warmly. I would once think I would feel uncomfortable hearing that from my ex-lover... but if anything it felt like closer. Jacaerys will not be Harwin's son this time around. He will be Qoren's and be a trueborn. "Should I send someone to go and get Prince Qoren?"

That's right. My husband was wight now in the King's Landing doing his duty as heir to Sunspear by expanding his kingdom's trade while staying in the capital. He was still waiting for a delegate from the North to start discussing the contract with them.

"Yes, please," I replied, collecting myself.

Then I began panicking. How am I going to tell him I'm pregnant? Will he be happy? I hope so! Gods, what a mess!

"Are you all right my love?" Qoren's worried voice startled me. "Wow! Calm down," he hugged me after I jumped in scare. "Is everything ok?"

"I'm pregnant!" I blurted out like an idiot.

His expression turned from worry to pure joy in seconds, before he spun me around the room as we both laughed in happiness. I relaxed after that, I had nothing to worry about to begin with. Everything will be all right, because this time I had the protection of my Gods. 

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