V Rhaenyra

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King's Landing – 123 AC

Giving Vaemond's spoiled brats and a Lannister an island, took everything in me. Even the token to that misogynist Baratheon was a little too much. At least, Borros had changed with time and started to see the good in my rule. Vaemond was still the same piece of crap as he had been in the other timeline. Maybe keeping his sons away from him, with their own keeps, will be enough to stop them from getting their greedy little fingers on my son's inheritance this time around.

It also aided the fact that Borros' heirs will be daughters and having more House Head Ladies in the realm, no matter how small the house is, will do good. The fact that I doubled the Crownlands and the crown will be getting double taxes was a bonus.

I sometimes truly hate politics and playing this game. It leaves a bad tase in my mouth afterwards. Well, anyhow, I gave those three the worst isles in the archipelago. The Starks will enjoy good and rich islands. After all they had to suffer from the ironborn, they deserve it. It will also make sure Cregan's cousins never try to usurp him, like their father did. With each having their own state, will kill the North united and strong.

"Long live the Dragon Queen!"

"Long live the Golden Queen!"

"Long live the Targaryens!"

"Long live the Crown!"

I snapped out of my dark mood, as I heard the crowd cheer. I smiled and waved from above, though I doubt that anyone could see it while I was raiding Syrax. I laughed, head thrown back as the cheering got louder. Once upon a time, when I took King's Landing from the Hightowers I was met with scorn, even though it was my birthright. Ironically, now that I took Old Town from the Hightowers, which was their birthright, I retunred home and was met with a warm welcome.

Choices truly pave the way of our future, I thought in amusement. Back then I made all the wrong choices, but it seems that this time I made all the right ones.

"Your Majesty," my mother bowed, as she greeted me by the steps of the dragon's pit, my sons all standing in line, waiting impatiently. "Congratulations on your victory and welcome back home. King's Landing is yours."

"Muña," I smiled at her warmly, as I descended from Syrax. "It's good to see you back. Thank you for taking care of the realm in our absence." I hugged her, before turning to my sons and kneeling. "Come my children, muña hass missed you all so dearly." They rushed into my open arms with cries of: "Muña!" All except Viserys, who was in Laena' arms. "My sweet baby," I picked up my youngest and kissed him. "How are you cousin?"

"Good, missing my husband," Laena replied. "Muña is waiting for us in the Red Keep, taking care of the royal welcoming as Hand of the Queen."

"Good," I nodded pleased. "As for our husbands, they'll be coming home in a week. I just could not wait anymore. I missed my boys."

"They've missed you to," she smilled at me warmly.

I waved and smiled at my people, my open carriage was filled with flowers as we made my way towards the Red Keep. In there a grand banquet awaited us and many ladies and lords, though mostly ladies, paraded in front of the high table, congratulating me for my victory.

However, my attention was on my sons. Oh, how much they've grown in only a year. Especially, Visery! My sweet baby was ready to say his first at any momento now!

"Any troubles Harwin?" I asked my past Sworn Shield later that night.

"None at all, Your Majesty," he answered me, relief and joy clear on his face.

My sweet Harwin, always so loyal and kind, I thought warmly. This time you will get the happiness you deserve.

"I would have thought the cowards of the Hightowers would have sent an assassin or two," I frowned, hand gently caressing the scar on my shoulder. "They are known for that... well, were known for that."

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