Part 4: A Friend Long Ago

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Authors note: Okay so hopefully I can get a regular schedule of updates to this story and currently this might be my shortest chapter yet I'm aiming for a consistent 1,000-2,000 words For the next few releases


(Y/n) POV

Standing here alone on a rooftop I looked over the city I saw flashing lights cars moving pedestrians taking a stroll through the town and the moonlight only amplified the sight it was truly magnificent. Something truly magical. If only this moment could last forever and if only my friends were still here to see it.

Speaking of friends a familiar presence hovered over me I could feel each step they took to get closer to me. The click of there boots made me realize they weren't even trying to hide it. The footstep's stopped and the sound of movement ceased I decide to turn myself to them instead of having my back face them.

He wears body armor consisting of a black tight and sleeveless shirt with silver accents that outline his muscles and a metal plate on his collar, along with black pants that have two black straps on his thighs, and another two strapped around his shins separate from each other. He wears black metal plated shoes, which appear to be attached to his trousers. His red coat with bow gloves. This was none other than...

 This was none other than

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Archer: "So what brings you here?"

I turn back around to look at the city lights. A vibrant city square pulses with energy. Pedestrians, dressed in a myriad of styles, traverse the streets like rivulets of humanity. The air buzzes with the melodies of conversations, laughter, and occasional street performers serenading passersby with their soulful tunes.

(Y/n): "It's beautiful this new world."

Archer "So what you just came for sight seeing? You aren't scared of leaving your master unprotected?"

(Y/n): "True I am far from her yet I'm not afraid of her safety all she has to do is call upon me and I'll arrive."

Archer: "Ugh that chivalrous protector crap you spout always annoys me."

(Y/n): "Hmm you aren't the first to have said that..."

Archer: "I certainly won't be the last."

The conversation goes quiet this is how our relationship works we both speak for a few minutes and then we stop and just enjoy the silence together. If life was like this without fighting without war I would....



Seeing as I have him here a question that always has been lingering in the back of my mind. I look over to the archer and take a deep breath before I speak.

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