Chapter Seventeen

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Beau "Emily it's not what it looks like" "Sure!" Emily said walking out, slamming the door behind her. Beau comes running out to catch up to her to explain. "Babe" Beau said as he grabbed Emily hand. As Beau grabbed Emily's hand, she turned around and slapped Beau round the face and said "What was it you said ey? Babe I promise nothing will happen? I'm not like those guys? They treated me bad, and you're a cheat!" Jai "Everything alright?" Beau "Yes, everything's fine!" Emily "Not its not, I just walked into our hotel room, and saw you kissing Sara-" Beau "She kissed me alright! She's a stalker! I love you not her!" Sara "That's a lie and you know it, you kissed me!" Emily went up to Sara and slapped her, Sara retaliated by hitting Emily back... In the stomach and then pulling her hair, as soon as Jai, Beau and Luke separated it, Kathy fell to the floor, "Emily!" Beau shouted. "It hurts, hurts so much" Emily layed on the floor crying. Milly "What have you done to her! I swear if she loses this baby, I will physically kill you Sara!"


"Does it hurt there?" Said the doctor while pressing gently above Emily's stomach. "Yes!" Emily said clenching Jai's arm. Beau "Is everything ok doc?" Emily "Shut up Beau, you're the reason why I'm in here, anyway, we're over, think Sara is waiting for you" Doc "Erm.. I'm not sure if things are ok, I'm going to organise a scan just to be sure" The doctor walked out to organise a scan. Beau "And what you mean by that?" "What do you think I mean! I walk in the room, see you kissing Sara, I slap her, she punches my stomach, I'm in here possibly having a miscarriage" Kathy said clenching her stomach and rolling towards Jai. "And we're over because of that?" Emily "Yes Beau, kissing another person while your in a relationship does mean cheating!" Beau "You know I love you babe!" Emily "You said that! But you kissed Sara, don't worry Beau I've been cheated on so many times so just get out I don't want you here!" Beau "Babe-" "Get out!" Emily cried, Luke "Beau, I think it's for the best, just until she calms down, I'll ring you later and tell you what's happening. Beau had tears falling from his face, then walked out. Luke came over and sat with Milly on the end of the bed, Milly "You know he loves you Emily" Luke "Yeah! I can see it in his eyes!" Emily "Yeah I know, but Luke I've been through so much. I can't be with someone who's kissed another girl and who is capable of doing it again" Jai "She does have a point Luke! Beau is a dick for doing it!"


Sara "Hey babe!" Beau "Don't you fucking dare call me babe! I have just lost my girlfriend and I don't know if she's still pregnant and I won't know because her and Luke kicked me out of the hospital room! My own brothers hate me because of you!" Sara "She broke up with you?" Beau "Obviously you slut!" Sara "Now we can be together and I'll give you everything you want and I'll be who you want me to be!" Beau "You don't get it do you! Emily has everything I want, and she's given me everything I want! Love, support, care, happiness and a baby, but now I don't even know if I have a baby because of you" Sara "I'll give you another one!" Beau "No! Because it's not the same, your not Emily! I love Emily and I always have, you kissed me, not the other way round, so just leave me alone Sara! Your nothing but a stalker, I appreciate you for being a fan, but you can never be my girlfriend, your not my type, I'm sorry, just leave me alone yeah" Sara "What do I get if I tell Emily that I kissed you?" Beau "You'll get your friend back, and you won't get hate on Twitter!"

Luke "You hear that Emily? Beau was telling the truth"

A competition that Changed my life [Luke Brooks & Beau Brooks] Part 1Where stories live. Discover now