Thinking back on when I first wrote this book, I remembered that I was young af. Like what was I doing??
Bringing my hilarious book back. Who's ready?
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I'm not really sure if Aries' is sexual or if it means fighting?? I'm just gonna go with fighting.
It's 2:00 P.M and Aries is quietly sitting in class. It's near the end of the hour and Aries is yearning to hear the dismissal bell. Unfortunately, they feel someone's fingers on their shoulder. . Immediately annoyed, Aries spins around in their chair to face the person who still has their finger on Aries' shoulder. "Do you mind?" Aries' blunt tone causes the stranger to immediately go into panic mode. "I'm sorry," They say, eyes wandering off, "It's just. . Something flew off my pencil and landed on your shoulder. I was trying to get it off and that's when you turned around." Aries narrows their eyes, detecting lies coming from this peasant-stranger, "If you ever put your hands on me agai-" Another voice cuts the sign off.
"Calm down, Aries." Says the teacher.
"Yeah, there's no need to be rude." Unfortunately, for the touchy-stranger, those were the first words that came from their mouth. "There's no need for you to touch me." Aries stubbornly argues. "I was trying to g-" "Okay, I don't care anymore." Aries turns back around in his/her seat and when they reach over to pick up their pencil, someone across the room quietly says, "No, don't throw it." With no time to look up, Aries suddenly gets hit in the back of the head with a paper ball.
Letting a sigh leave them, Aries slowly stands up from his/her seat, picks up the paper ball and says, "Who threw it?" They ask. One kid, who looks a little pale raises their hand, "My bad, it was f-" A paper ball to the face interrupts their words. After realizing what cut them off the kid stands from their seat quickly, "Dude, What was that for? I was trying to explain myself." "You hit me first. Returning the favor." Aries grins at how quick the kid's anger seeps into them. "I'm really not about to fight someone over a paper ball." They say. Ready to knock the kid into next Saturday, Aries' voice is louder than before as he/she speaks, "Why not? I legit just hit you in the face." "You really want to fight me?" "What does it look like?" The teacher is non-existent rn.
Aries makes their was over to the kid, "You threw it at me, you get a fight."
(A fight happens! Surprise!)
"That's enough, Aries! Principal office, now." The teacher points to the door, indicating for Aries to leave immediately. Which, they do with little hesitation.
"Brooo, y'all see that?" Leo's voice is just as loud as Aries' has been recently. Gemini nods briskly, "Aries was like bam bam, and then the kid was on the floor screaming." "Cancer, you see that?" Leo calls out to their friend who is halfway across the classroom. Cancer's forehead is pressed on the corner of their desk while their head is down, with phone in hand the sign lifts their head and raises a brow, "Wh—huh?" Cancer looks around, eyes landing on an empty desk, "Where's Aries?" Geminis unable to keep from smiling, "Aries and that kid over there just had a fight. You should've saw it." Cancer shrugs, "I was texting Aquarius. He's/She's being a bad child." "What do you mean?" Gemini questions. "He/She thinks it's cool to use spray paint on the building." "Outside right?" "No, in the teacher's lounge."