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"We may not come across something as majestic.." The disembodied voice trails off while a spotlight flashes over the f*cking majestic (Insert your sign). (Insert your sign) lifts a single leg on a random table beside her/him, "Where dat table come from you ask?" The camera beside him/her gets a sideview of this majestic.. almost unreal sign and zooms in with SANIC speed onto their face. Those fabulous eyebrows can draw everyone in.. "I'm just going to ignore your pondering question and say something.... amazing." Another random table scoots in the picture like a dog trying to steal your food. Unfortunately.. for the table.. (insert your name) puts their other leg on the table. Now eagle spread, the sign only SCREAMS a few words.. "WE'RE BACK BABY!!!" Oops.. I mean scream. "We're back with the best memes everr."

If you thought this book couldn't get weirder. You're f*cking wrong m8.

And thanks for the 8K. Love you guys ・ω・

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