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What is this feeling of loneliness

amidst a massive population 

ready to gush about and serve and check up and bond 

what is this emptiness 

with everything within my reach

that can fill me more than to the brim

How do I claim I'm busy, 

yet find time all the same 

to crib, complain or fret 

over a future that isn't even promised

What is this underestimation 

of any achievement 

this unfulfillment, 

and desperate craving to have done more? 

Do I not realize

that He sees it all? 

That His angels are swift to pen, 

even the tired smile I may gift while passing by, 

to a stranger out of sincere wish to send some comfort? 

Or the little ways we are there 

even if it's just to mediate someone's support 

and help it reach someone in need? 

Even if we weren't the supplier, designer or manager 

of the project as a whole? 

How often do I forget He doesn't operate, 

on 'All or none' basis

But rather that He lovingly rewards, 

every atom's weight of food we strive to do 

and every intention and dream we nurse within our hearts 

in search of His pleased face? 

Hasn't been a month since Ramadan passed, 

yet how susceptible I feel to the devil's whispers! 

How easily he pulls me down and lures me in, 

tempting me to lose hope in the Rabb of Mercy! 

Today is a Friday, my dear self, 

what a beautiful blessed day, 

to restart the journey and reset the vibe. 

Perhaps we can kickstart with the duaas 

In the last hour before the sun leaves our sight. 

Perhaps we can pray - 

For istiqamah, for acceptance, for forgiveness. 

Perhaps we can seek - 

guidance, direction, faith. 

Perhaps we can be there for one another

with constant reminders. 

Sure, we feel so lost so often, 

But perhaps, all is not yet lost, 

for the blessed breath remains 

the doors to tawbah still ajar

and His response full of mercy - 

just a duaa away! 

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