Main AU: First Meet

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[Sebastian H. x Lilith C.]


Sebastian walked through the towering white pillars while carrying a pile of papers containing the names of new souls who had become angels. His job now expanded, he believed he would be working overtime throughout the month to teach these souls the intricacies of the heaven tier they would occupy, or simply teach them to use their wings (some fell from the clouds accidentally while he was on duty).

He greeted several heavenly committees who passed him by, sometimes they could chat a lot about work. Outside working hours, he would just relax in his small cozy apartment while reading a book.

"Hey, Sebastian!"

The owner of the name turned, his bicolored eyes caught a man who was flying towards him and was about to land so he stepped aside a bit. "Hello, Matthew," Sebastian greeted back and smiled. "Since when did you come back from Earth? I didn't get your entry permit at all."

"I was just about to give you that." Matthew laughed briefly before pulling a letter from under his gold embroidered robes for Sebastian. "Watching over those who are still alive in their own world is quite tiring."

"Still better than getting a new file from someone who died, let alone a baby." Sebastian exhaled and turned around to continue walking, his friend also followed him. He folded his wings and glanced up at the wide sky that was clearly visible to his left. "Moreover, if your partner doesn't help at all."

Matthew raised his eyebrows upwards. "You still working with Anderson? I presumed you have filed a comparison for changing partner to the Heavenly Courts."

"I already did," Sebastian replied calmly as he looked at Matthew beside him. "They accepted it, actually today I will meet my new work partner. So, after I give this to the higher-ups of the Court, I'll meet whoever it is at gate fourteen. They say she lives in the sixth heaven."

"Sixth Heaven? Man, she's such a saint!" Matthew responded excitedly, before his forehead scrunched up and his smile dropped slightly. "Well, most of the people who live there actually have high egos, the majority of the rich people in the world."

Sebastian snorted softly. "You can't judge them from the outside," he said casually. "Not all of them are like that."

"Are you sure she'll be more reliable than Anderson?"

The dark-skinned man's forehead wrinkled. "Of course, I believe in the Heavenly Courts. Beside—"

His words stopped as soon as his eyes caught the figure of a woman from a distance talking to another angel. And Sebastian was stunned, he had met many interesting women. However, that blonde-haired woman—something about her amazed him. She looked elegant, she looked impressive, she looked awesome. It was as if she is full of love, full of tenderness, full of grace.


Matthew's call was ignored by Sebastian, then Matthew also followed where Sebastian's gaze was fixated. Matthew rounded his mouth and muttered in amazement. "She is indeed very beautiful."

Sebastian immediately stared at Matthew, then he stared back at the woman again. "Mhm."

"You are completely mesmerized by her."

"Kind of."

"You like her?"


Matthew laughed, he could catch Sebastian blushing faintly. "This is the first time you've seen Carter?"

Then Sebastian turned to Matthew again. "You know her?"

"Who doesn't even know Lilith Carter? Lots of people know her!" Matthew hit Sebastian on the shoulder playfully. "You died longer than me, even than her! How come you don't know about Carter?"

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