Radhika Mann | The Fan

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Her sleep had healing power. She forgot everything that happened and thought it was a bad dream.

Until it wasn't.

She opened her eyes when the water droplets slapped her and saw a pair of raging eyes and another pair of soft and kind eyes.


"What are you doing shouting at her, Pallavi! Shut up!" Maan screeched and looked warmly toward Radhika, "Are you alright now?"

Radhika got up, sat upright on the couch, and saw the window, but it was not morning, night had arrived, and the whole day hid perfectly behind the mist of unconsciousness, and she remembered nothing.

Except that she had confessed and someone had come to their house. What had happened that made her unconscious?


The doorbell rang and brought back some memories for her. She remembered who had arrived.

Radhika's sister. Pallavi. Who had mentioned she was with another girl, in love.

And she saw another woman coming inside and screaming her screechy kitten voice off.

"Oh, Palli! what happened? Why did you call me at such short notice?! Did you get hurt?! WHERE DID YOU GET HURT?!!"

She stormed inside and hugged Pallavi and then-


The earth revolved, but it stiffened for Jashoda.

The woman kissed Pallavi.

And Pallavi kissed back.


Jashoda screamed at the top of her voice and averted her eyes from them.

Pallavi broke out from the is and looked towards Jashoda in concern.

"What happened didi?"

"LiZard! LIZARD!!!!!" Maan screamed signaling behind Pallavi and her friend.

"Where is it?"

"No lizard NO lizarrdddd! kiss-two-girls-what-how-"

"She just saw one! Didn't she!" Maan signaled Radhika to play with him and so she did.

"Uhmm yeah, I did," Radhika said grinning, weirdly eyeing Pallavi, who knew something.

"Are you sure you are okay didi?"

"Hm hmm! Absolutely fine!"

"Okay, so I am going to go make some Maggi. Want some?"



"Oh right I forgot, Didi, meet Kal, Kal meet Didi."

"All right! So that's our bashing didi who wrote that book that blasted people's ears off. I gotta tell you di, your book was awesome. It opened my eyes. Literally. Like I was so confused about my feelings and what gender I was, but your book led me to where I am. Who I am meant to be. A Gender neutral. It is good to be myself at last. Thank you so much. Your book really helped me. Although it really messed my parents up but okay they can deal with what they made. I didn't ask them to. Okay, see ya~ I am gonna take off. Pal, call me afterward k? I really gotta go."

"But you just came baby!"

"I have to darling I am so sorry."

Kal inched closer to Pallavi and kissed her a hearty goodbye and went out the door.

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