Scarlet and Zavok

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Scarlet used her pyrikinesis to open up a deployment pod with a grey wisp the pod. Telling it to go while she distracted the robots. The wisp nodded and left. "GOOD! GREAT! AWESOME!" Cubot said loudly,spooking her, Orbot sighed "Pay him no mind. His voice chip has been on the fritz, you see." Orbot stated calmly, Scarlet then prepared a fireball on her hand,aiming it for orbot before being grabbed by a red hand with five claws with sharp cyan-colored nails. Scarlet tried to escape the grasp of the unkown thing "Your a fiesty wisp" The  voice said calmly, when scarlet looked up to see what had grabbed her she was left stunned.

according to the ledgends she heard of,Zavok is Zeti a red with a very stocky build. The majority of his upper body is pure red, as is his serpentine tail. He has five-fingered hands that end with sharp cyan-colored nails. Zavok's body from the waist down is black in coloration, ending in two-clawed feet with cyan toes. His head is relatively small compared to the rest of his body and his lower jaw sticks out, showing a row of spiked fangs. The upper half of his head is black save for red markings around his eyes, which are purple with yellow sclera. Zavok has what appears to be a relatively thick cyan-colored unibrow that forms a vaguely V-shaped crest. Sticking out from the sides of his head, Zavok has two vicious curved horns that are striped in varying shades of dark gray. Zavok has a large cyan piece of hair sticking out from the back of his head. Zavok has two rows of sharp black spikes sticking out of his shoulders. His only attire seems to be a pair of black bracelets with gray spikes jutting out.

And that was exactly who grabbed her, she glared at the red zeti as he laughed,greatly confusing her "You and i are a lot alike. you seem useful,ill keep you around" Zavok said as he still held the wisp, as she sighed,hiding a smile underneath her scarf

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2023 ⏰

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