Chapter three POV Harry

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( just saying he is not one of her mates)
Time skip
A week before school starts
It was an interesting place to live, yeah, ketcher was certainly strange and only seemed to respect the cat ( however strange that may be ) that everyone called ' kitten ' not only not muttering insults about her under his breath but instead praise and for some reason calling her a, and I quote 'poor little thing that never deserved what happened to her'. There was also that 'gowl' that had pranked me, making me think that I had wandered into a cult hideout before luptin turned on the lights, we were getting ready to go to daganon ally and about to leave when Sirius stopped us, and knocked on the wall, he ignored the questioning looks that he got from everyone except for Remus, who had a smug look on his face like he knew something we didn't, our questions were soon traded for different ones when a young girl about eleven appeared at the top of the stairs and stopped half way in the shadows, she had golden red hair, blue eyes that seemed to capture your very soul and read your deepest secrets, a small figure, and ivory skin, she seemed to be an Angel
" Bella!"
Sirius smiled and she answered ever so slightly before stepping out of the shade and headed down to us, we all stood shocked, because on the top of her head were a pair of black cat ears that were constantly twitching around, a long black tail wound around her legs, It made her even more beautiful, exquisite, Sirius met her half way up to stairs and took her trunk and the cat carrier before turning to us,
" Everyone this is my niece Bellatrix"

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