Chapter six POV Draco

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Something was in the air, a strange energy that I had never felt before, I pretended to not notice it  just in case it was a trap, and soon it disappeared along with the comfort that I hadn't felt before, I said good bye to my parents and got on the train where it started again, a thought crossed my mind, could this be my mate? I had only heard about it from granddad since dad never found his, but from what I knew she shouldn't feel anything other than a strong attraction, so she has to see me first, but just in case this isn't it I won't go looking for her just yet , my friends Greg, Vincent, blase and I found an empty compartment and had settled down as the train started to move When a young girl with a cat ear headband and a probably enchanted cat tail, opened the door and immediately flushed slightly red
" Sorry, I didn't know anyone was here"
Her voice was soft with a slight English accent that had a note of something else mixed into it, I stopped her as she turned to leave by calling out
" You can stay here if you want"
She smiled back shyly and I felt that she was going to decline my offer when Blaise stepped in, he knew about me being a Veela and probably guess that she was my mate from my behaviour towards her, anyone else would have been told off severely and scared half to death
" Everywhere is full already, we don't mind"
I still felt hesitation from her so I patted the place next to me and used my Dom voice curious to see if it worked on her
  She sat still blushing and I caught the energy coming off of her, and smirked in the direction of my friends who already guessed what I intended to tell them, I found her and I won't let go

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