Chapter Seventeen POV Draco

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It had been a week since I found out that Bella is a neko, one of the rarest creatures in the world, it was worring that she was hiding it but i could see that she didn't want to talk about it so I left her alone, but it couldn't be put off forever.... I sighed, and blaze turned to look at me, we were in our common room, the pleasing tones of green, gray and black all around creating a calming atmosphere, but I was tense, the fact that my mate was avoiding me didn't let my veela relax, instinct pushing me to find and confront her, eliminate what was upsetting her.
I leaned back into the couch that blaze and I were sitting on while we did our homework
- that bad, huh?- blaze sent me a sympathetic smile- you should talk to her, Flint said she came back earlier, I didn't see her leave her room
I nodded and stood up, before making my way to the female dorms.

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