Chapter 5 - A Felon

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America rode into the new town on his horse, very much looking like an outsider. While the people of Myskolano, especially in the south, wore particularly colorful and modest clothing, women wearing veils embroidered with many colors and men wearing wreathes of flowers on their head, America wore a dull tunic and dirt covered jodhpurs. He did not fit in at all, his long hair tied up and light armor hugging his body. He rode through the small village he encountered, ignoring the stares he received from the townspeople. Suddenly, a small boy rode past America on a mule, taking all of the attention from America.

"The Kingdom of Chestfield is no more!" he proclaimed, standing up on the mule. "They killed their king and the only heir, the new queen, is missing! The people rule! The people rule!"

America felt his heart drop. He was a "queen", he was the ruler of Chestfield. America pressed on, the new information lingering in his head.

"That poor queen, she probably ran because she was bought like the other women," America heard a rather stout maiden cry out. "Chestfield is full of heathens and need to beg for forgiveness from the gods!"

America listened intently as people agreed to the maiden, the loud streets full of people. America continued to ride through the crowd, his horse weaving around people as to not trample them. Suddenly, a man grabbed America's leg and stared at him, striking fear into America.

"Say, traveler, where are you from? You wouldn't be from Chestfield, would you be?"

"I am a mercenary from the north."

"A mercenary? Here is Myskolano? You must be one lost mercenary!"

"I am merely passing through, please excuse me," America responded, his fear starting to radiate from his body as the man had yet to remove his hard from America's thigh.

"Let me feed you, you won't have another village for two days, allow me to welcome you," he offered, grabbing the reins of America's horse and pulling the horse. "You can rest here, free of charge."

"Sir, please, I am alright. I do not need-"

"It's a tradition to house our travelers, allow me."

America gave up and allowed the man to guide his horse as the crowd dispersed, people returning to their activities whilst still keeping the topic of Chestfield in their conversations. The man led America to a large house with a stable, allowing America to dismount and get his horse settled down in a stall. The , he was promptly led inside where the man swiftly swung a wood fire poker at America, knocking him to the ground and out of consciousness.

When he woke up, he was completely naked and had rope tied harshly around his body, he himself laying on the cold floor. America tried to escape, but the rope burn he was gaining was worse than Deshkali. He tried to push through the pain, but it too strong. America looked down at his body, noting each mark and where the rope was specifically, looking for a weak point. He did notice bruises conveniently placed on his nipples, his inner thighs also having a white substance on them and him feeling rather sore down there. He was violated, he needed to escape.

America powered himself through the pain, loosening the rope along the knots, kicking his legs and trying to spread his arms in the process. Every second, more fear than before was striking his body, the fear of being caught and violated once more. He continued to struggle, finally looking like he'd free himself when it all came crashing down. The ropes tightened and a hand was harshly placed on America's neck, a tightening grip taking away his breath. In front of him, that man stared devilishly at him, shaking his head. He used his other hand to cover America's mouth and then slammed his cock into America, panting like a damn dog as he thrust himself in and out. America couldn't resist, the ropes hurting even more now against his rather delicate skin, the man biting his nipples as he fucked America. It hurt, America was trying to scream as loud as he could as he was raped, kicking his legs at the man. He kicked him hard enough in the head he fell over and didn't get back up, causing America to panic and try to get out of his situation as quickly as he could. Now he was running around this random house, searching for clothes to wear and a his sac of belongings. Once he found it, he then proceeded to stuff food into the sac as well, throwing on clothes he had found in a wardrobe and running out to his horse, relieved it was still there with his stuff still mounted. After a quick check, he insured all of his belongings stayed put and he had everything, leaving him to mount the horse and get out of the area.

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