Chapter 6 - Finally Alone and Full of Fear

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"America, wake up, we're in Deep Scar."

America stirred awake, looking around at the mountains surrounding the area.

"Why are we back in Chesterfield?"

"It was the only path up north that doesn't go through Myskolano, I'm afraid."

   "King Canada is purging the entire army!"
a voice whispered from the side of the road. "Apparently, they tried to kill him too! They failed to rid the horrid monarch!"

   "We should force a marriage and force our way into the royal family and change inside. That seems to be our best option."

   "Now how would we do that, Jamaica?"

   "My brother works in the palace, we can work it out."

   "Why call him King Canada," Spain interrupted, the thought lingering in his mind. "There still is a queen, Canada is a mere prince."

   "Her Highness must be dead, killed with the guards!"

   "I am a knight, she helped us kill the wretched France. She is hiding in fear of her life."

   "Ti'irek shi. May she be held safely in the wings of Arkeghash in Weti'emol. Her Highness shall be kept safe by the citizens of Deep Scar," the man referred to as Jamaica replied. "If you find her, we'll keep her safe, Sir... ehm."

   "Spain. Sir Spain. It's a pleasure to meet you."

   "Is this your wife, Sir Spain?" a woman interjected from behind Jamaica, pointing at America. "She is an awfully beautiful lady and looks much like a lad we had here. We pray Arkegha makes an exception and keeps him safe as she did when he was a child."

   "I've been told I have the beauty to be the queen of the continent," America chirped. "I am his wife, yes. Lovely to meet you all."

   "Are you two escaping the Kingdom?"

   "We are visiting her family in Deaolian Skah. It will give me a reason to claim no relations to the revolution and help the next wave."

   "Good luck, Sir Spain. Ti'irek shi."

   "Ti'irek shi."

   Spain rode off from the conversation and simultaneously jabbed America lightly in the arm.

   "Why would you say that! They know you?"

   "Doesn't mean they recognize me. I missed Jamaica and Dominica. They are bakers. I haven't had any good bread since I left Deep Scar," America responded. "And it's better for them to think I'm dead. They all know I'm a knight, but they would've been asking many questions."

"Whatever, America."

"Be grateful, I saved us some time."

Spain shook his head and continued on, "I wouldn't have minded waiting a bit. Death is a horrible thing, America. Calming their minds would have been the best option."

"I have a child's mission. I've had this mission since I was young and bedridden. I should have died, Spain. They may have supported me then, but they may not support me now. I should have grown up."

"Being a mercenary is a weird mission."

"As a child, I swore I could see the Wizard's Tower. It always had a red light at night and that's where I aim to go. Prove my child self wrong and get it out of my head. If we find a stable, I'll purchase a horse and set off alone from here on out. I wish not to burden you."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2023 ⏰

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