Chapter 13- Confessions

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Brooklyn POV

After we got checked into our hotel rooms, we went up to them to begin unpacking. Me and Haylie were sharing a room, lee had one to himself. Netty and Tomohawk shared, and Amy and Squid had one for themselves. Mom and dad were also sharing a room.

Once inside the room, we began unpacking. "So Haylie, are you excited to be here or what! It's so pretty in Florida, I never imagined it to be this nice!" "Yeah, it's uh...nice. I guess..." She mumbled. Confusion crossed my face as I took out a t-shirt and followed it into a drawer. "What's up with you? Aren't you happy to be here?" "I am, it's just that...I don't know." She sighed. She didn't make eye contact with me the entire time.

I could tell she was hiding something.


I was glad that I had a room to myself. That meant privacy for me! After I finished unpacking, which didn't take me very long, I decided to fill people in on my social medias. So I opened up Twitter.

I immediately noticed that there was a notification- a text from @BrooklynDE10203. That was Brooklyn's Twitter handle.

From: @BrooklynDE10203- Hey Lee! Can I visit your room? :D

I texted back immediately.

@LforLeeeeeex- Sure! I finished unpacking and I would love for you to stop by! :D

She responded back right away.

From: @BrooklynDE10203- Yay :D

A few seconds later I got a knock at my door. I smiled as I trotted over to answer it. I opened it only to reveal an eager-looking Brooklyn. "Come in!" I opened the door wider, allowing her to enter the room.

She sat down on the bed and looked around the room. But as she did so, she didn't seem quite herself. She was acting almost the same way she was in the airport before I gave her lip-gloss. I wondered what could be up with her. "Brooklyn, are you feeling alright? Ever since we left home, you have been acting a bit...differently." I asked.

And then it hit me...

...she must be home sick! She lives in an orphanage for three years of her life before being adopted by her idols, and now all of a sudden she goes on vacation to a whole new place, without even getting a chance to settle in. "Yeah, I'm fine!" She fake smiled.

What was up with her?

Brooklyn POV

Lee was concerned for me.

Damn it.

He knew something was wrong, but I couldn't tell him just yet...or should I?

I took one glance at his face. He seemed so concerned judging by the way he looked at him.

I sighed. He deserved to know what was going on with me. I stood up from the bed and took his hands into mine.

Here goes nothing...

I lead him back to the bed where I was previously sitting and sat him down.

"Brooklyn, what's wrong? Are you sure you're ok?" His voice was full of concern. I shook my head and his eyes widened. "What's wrong then? Please tell me, I won't tell or judge. I'm here to listen and to help, not to tell and judge." He said, staring into my eyes sympathetically.

I took a deep breath in and began. "A few months after being placed in the orphanage, I was adopted by a young couple. They were very sweet, until I got to their home. I started to fall into depression slowly. I would stop eating, talking, I would barely even move anymore."

He tilted his head in confusion. "I was so devastated. They call it 'post-traumatic depression'. I was so scared, so afraid. I saw something the night that my parents died that no one else saw, Lee. And I never told anyone. Not the police, not my family, not the orphanage, or the couple, or mom or dad or you or Haylie. I...I..." I broke down into tears.

"Brooklyn, tell me what's wrong. Please. All I want to do is help." I looked up at him and nodded slightly.

I sniffled.

"I-it wasn't an accident L-Lee. Someone did it o-on"

I cried. "What?!! Who!? How?! Why!?"

"It was them, Lee."


"The couple. I remembered seeing them at the party that night that we were driving back from. They left at the same time we did. I saw them get into a white pick-up as we left. While we were driving home, I saw that car, Lee. I saw a white Ford pick-up driving on the lane opposite to us. I recognized the plate, and saw the man's face in the rear-view mirror." I sniffles, trying to keep my composure.

Then all happened so fast. Their car suddenly swerved and hit the front of our car. Both of my parents died that night, but the two miraculously survived. When I was at that house after they had adopted me, I remembered their faces, so I stopped eating and talking for a while." The devastated look in Lee's eyes broke my heart even more.

"I was so young and stupid, I thought that it would somehow get them to confess their actions...but I was wrong. When she asked me what was wrong, I broke down and started crying. Then they returned me. They returned be like how you would return a broken toy or damaged items. I was devastated."

"All my life, I thought they gave me back because I stopped eating or talking, but I now know why. It was because I was being a baby just for crying. I was showing how I was weak and naïve and foolish, like how you would expect an 11 year old to be. But they didn't accept it, so they took me back to the orphanage. And there I lived until a month ago when mom and dad adopted me." I couldn't help but smile a bit at that last part.

"Oh wow. I...I don't even know what to say. I...-"

I hushed him. "It's alright, you don't need to talk. I just wanted you to listen. But you can NOT tell anyone, ok!?! I know that they won't bring me back, but still, I'm...I'm not sure if I can trust them again. You, I can. But anyone else I just...I don't know." I mumbled.

"Why me?"

"What do you mean?"

"There are so many people in your life that you can trust. Why did you choose me?" He asked.

I shrugged as I thought. "I don't know really, to be honest. I" I smiled. He smiled back as he gave me sympathetic eyes. "Please don't feel bad for me. I don't want you to be sad. You don't deserve to feel the pain that I did." I frowned.

"Don't let you past spoil your future." He smiled. "Forget your past and move on. Stars cant shine without darkness. If it wasn't for your struggles of your past, then you never would've been rewarded by meeting and living with our idols and dating me." He smiled.

"Gee I...guess I never thought about it that way. Thanks Lee." I smiled warmly. I pecked his cheek lightly before walking out of the room.

Before I walked out, I looked back at him and our eyes locked.

Boy was I glad to have him.

Quote of the day: "If people are trying to bring you down, that only means that you're above them"

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Have a nice day! :D Byeeeee!


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