Chapter 2- Adoption Day & Meeting Them

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Brooklyn POV

I woke up the next morning to Haylie shaking me frantically. I shot out of bed and asked what was wrong. "Adoption day!" she squealed, jumping around the room like a kid on a sugar high. My eyes widened in shock as I comprehended what she had just stated. "Ya!" I exclaimed. "Come on, we need to get ready! We need to look our best, or else we won't be adopted." She laughed, grabbing my wrist and dragging me out of bed into the bathroom.

After 20 minutes, I finally had my hair, makeup, and clothes done. I had on some light foundation and pink lip-gloss for makeup, and as for my hair, I did it up in a high ponytail. For my clothes, I was wearing a light pink shirt with a dark blue hoodie over it. I wore a pair of black jeans for pants, along with some silver flats.

Me and Haylie made our ways downstairs and stood in line with the rest of the 12-13 division.

After about half an hour of waiting for all of the younger divisions to be dismissed to their new families, our division was finally called. "12 year olds here, 13 year olds here." Mrs. Zandberg pointed to two different spots, and we all single-filed into our two lines, as directed.

Me and Haylie chatted and laughed for five minutes, until it was my turn to be called up next. Me and Haylie were talking about clothes and shopping, when the doors opened and a couple holding hands walked in. they were the two people who least excepted to see. Mine and Haylie's eyes both focused on the scene. It was a tall man with dark curly hair, alongside a young girl who had long brown hair with a blonde streak in it. It was them.

I immediately turned to Haylie and squealed. She held my hands and jumped up and down. "What are they doing here?" I asked, my voice bubbling with excitement. "Probably going to adopt a kid. But don't get your hopes up yet- they're probably here for a cute baby. Besides, what would they even want with kid's like-" I shushed her. They were pointing to us. Haylie looked up to observe the situation when they started walking towards us. I turned to Haylie and squealed before turning back and adjusting my position to act more sophisticated. "Hi. I'm Beth, this is Joseph. We want to adopt you."

Hi Guys! I decided to update! I am currently working on Chapter 7 (as many of you know, I write my chapters in advance), and let me just tell you guys, you're really going to enjoy this story! Its really good! I cant wait to update more! Well, I will updating once more on Tuesday, but i wont be for the next few days after that... I will tell you guys in the next update on my other story! Anyways, byeeeeeeeeeee!


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