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'Who am I?' I thought to myself.

I honestly don't know anymore if I had to guess I suppose I would be a lifeless doll being controlled by the puppeteer..

I was in a secret organization that specialized in assassinating people I specialized in a lot of stuff but my favourite was taking out the target with needles that was why I was so famous

I did train in a-lot of different weapons but Needles were the perfect weapon for me silent but deadly if they hit a pressure point of course I had to be trained with other techniques as well like martial arts and Hacking so I can get in and get out without being seen as that is the way of the assassin at least how I was trained..

But because I was so good at my job the higher ups began to fear me but because I was a
air-head when it came to how people see me I didn't notice anything wrong..

I was never good at reading people that is my weakness I was a orphan when the organization took me in to train me to be a assassin I was perfect for the role but over time they began to fear me thinking I could betray them and get away with it at any second.

So In the end they decided to get rid of me at any cost that brings us to this moment in my day..

I was heading to the airport after a job well finished, I called the higher ups to see if there was another job for me..


"Hello" a ruff male voice said answering the phone,

"Sir I'm on my way back any new lead to take?"
I said to him with a emotionless voice,

"Ah good job 44 I'll hand you the next assignment when you get back to base" he said

"Ok" I answered

"You will return on plane ##### as a undercover name Michiko light,understood" he said,

"I understand sir" I answered,

I look at the old cell phone as he hangs up the phone I put it back into my black bag as I wipe the blood off my face with my other hand standing up after a mission well done..

I walk over to the corpse and get rid of any evidence I was here including my needles as I pull them out I walk over to the window and take one last look at the bloody mess in this work office giving a small prayer to the deceased afterwards I hop out of the window propelling down the building in the mist of the dark while my thoughts were else where...

'I can't wait for the next episode of lookism I'll check up on it while I'm on the plane' i thought with a creepy otaku grin on my face,

At the airport
"Name and plane number please" a professionally calm girls voice said with a closed eye smile,

"Michiko light and here is my ticket to plane ####" I answered calmly handing over the ticket,

"Alright have a pleasant fly miss" the lady says as she gives a small smile,

I walk pass her into the plane after taking some time finding my seat I found it seat number 20 it was a window seat "not bad" i thought as I push my luggage above my head on the shelf,

I took a seat and opened my personal phone which was full of animes and mangas I had downloaded some chapters previously before this job for this occasion so I don't get bored.

"Attention this is your pilot speaking we are taking off please stay seated" A loud voice said from the speaker phones on the plane,

After some time passed

I almost just finished a chapter of lookism when I felt the plane start to shake and then aloud noise


My ears were ringing I heard people screaming I turned my head to look out the window while my hand was clutching onto my head in hopes to calm down this headache out of nowhere's that I got then I smelled it poison gas i immediately tried to cover my mouth moving, my head more to try to get a good look outside I saw the wing of the plane gone and we're currently falling downwards then I heard a *click
I turned my attention to beside me and there stood my seat-mate with a gas mask on and holding a gun straight to my head...

"Why"I mumbled,

"Cause we don't need you anymore" He said with a smirk across his face,

With shift movements I knocked the gun out of his hand and grabbed a knife from my sleeves and pointed it directly to his pressure point on his neck

I saw him shake a little but then I heard a voice from the seat be-hide me and a gun shoot


"the rumours are true I'm glad we were prepared she really is a monster the poison gas didn't even slow down her movements I wouldn't even wanna imagine what she would be like in her prime also you shouldn't let your guard down like that it's best to take the shot instead of getting distracted with small talk from a target" a calm voice said be-hide me in the row of seats trying to lecture his partner..

"Ah sorry boss!" The other guy said while scratching his head awkwardly,

My head felt hot as I layed on the plane ground I looked at my phone that was on the ground at the chapter I didn't finish yet with a heavy heart I closed my eyes not before hearing the last words of that guy..

"Holy hell she took a bullet to the head and is still breathing! That's impressive we should get out of here before the plane crashes but before we do shoot her more to be on the safe side I don't wanna be hunted down by her if she ends up surviving this.."




Reborn in Lookism as daughter Of a Yakuza family Where stories live. Discover now