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Warning there will be killing in this chapter!!!

I opened my eyes to find myself in pitch blackness then two small white orbs appeared out of nowhere floating around me,

I reached out and touched one of the white orbs it turned red then the blackness around me disappeared and I was standing at my old orphanage before I was picked by the organization to be a specialist assassin.

I saw a little girl about 5 with plain looks a-lot like me run right through me, "am I ghost?" I mumbled I felt my eyes fixated on that little girl running around with the biggest and brightest smile when all of a sudden she bumped into someone a tall rough man with lots of tattoos looked down at the little girl with disgust,

Truth be told the little girl was afraid but instead of crying she stood up off the ground and bowed saying,

"I apologize sir It was a accident" the little girl said to the big man.

I stood on the sidelines knowing what will happen after all these are my memories...

"Hm you look plan looking witch might be for the best.would you like to come with us and help some people" the big bulky man said,

"Are you gonna adopt me?" The little girl asks with hopeful eyes sense she has learned to never judge a book by its cover,

"Something like that" the big bulky man said with a smirk,

'Why is it showing me this?'I thought to myself
As the surroundings disappeared again and this time there was one orb left I reached out and touched it

The surrounding began to change once more but this time it was different we were at the organization.

I saw the same old Brick walls, I heard screaming up ahead in these dark narrow halls I knew what this memory was about and I was hesitant of reliving it but nonetheless I walked down these dark creepy halls until I came to a stop and in front of me was a cell with three people in it my old teammates...

This is where I started closing off any emotion I had for people that weren't fiction...

"Monster!" A blue haired kid yelled while running at the 13 year old shocked plain girl.

She stood there shocked at her teammate suddenly turning on her she quickly dodged out of the way of a knife the blue hair kid had trying to stab her..

"How could you agree to kill Aoi for them!!" He yelled anger burning in his eyes.

"Koi stop! You know this is wrong!" The red haired guy on the sidelines yelled to the blue haired boy..

"But she disobeyed them she went against the rules I had no choice you know this!" The plain girl yelled with a heavy heart..

"I hate you! This is your fault!" He said while running at her while she does a side step out of the way again she turns back around to face him when she heard footsteps getting closer to the cell they were in, which seemed to paralyze her wondering what would happen to her teammate if they found out,

But he didn't stop he came running at her again but this time someone kicked him hard in the stomach he spat blood and hit the wall he looked up and saw it was the one in charge of them..

The little girl instantly bowed on her knees with her head down same as the red head that was also her teammates in the cell,

"Can't accept the truth huh." The bulky man said while reaching for a knife,
He threw the knife at the plain girls feet and said your next order is kill your old teammates then you will officially become a assassin,

The little plain girl looks petrified at the knife

She just stared at it but then she gets shoved aside by the red haired be-hide her,He grabs the knife and runs up to the blue haired guy and stabs him in the throat before he could even react.

The plain haired girl looked shocked at this,

The red haired guy turned around and stared at his teammate he had for 7 years before rushing at her!

She froze she truly trusted him he was always there for her she couldn't believe he could hurt her.Snapping her out of her thoughts she felt heat on her stomach she looked down and saw a knife sticking in her blood was gushing out.

He pulled the knife back out and smirked at the girl in front of him that was looking at him wide eyed.

She out of instinct moved her hand and pushed it on her wound to try to stop the bleeding even when her thoughts were spinning thinking this couldn't be real! She looked at the red haired guy in front of her tears were now streaming down her face...

"What a sorry sight you are!" The red haired boy said with a crazed smile,

"Finely I can win i won't be second anymore! I really do hate you so much! Your such a fool to have trusted me"
He said while laughing at the plan girl.

"Y-your lying aren't y-you?" She said stuttering while tears were falling from her face.

"You disgusted me ever sense I met you always had to be number one no matter how hard I tried I could never catch up you truly are a monster that I will slay!! " he yelled while charging at her with the knife,

She dodged to the right and barely missed the knife she managed to jump back and felt blood drip from a small cut on the side of her neck while still pushing her hand on her stab wound on her stomach to try to keep the bleeding under control

*ba bump*

*ba bump*

She could hear her own heart in her chest as she stared at her old trusted friend
Then she felt something snap inside of her looking at those eyes full of rage and disgust she snapped...

Laying on the ground in front of her is the red haired guys corpse with stab wound all over but she didn't stop,No she couldn't!
She just keep stabbing him with tears rolling down her face while saying sorry over and over again like the dead could hear her...

I stood watching this scene unfold with lifeless eyes when the surroundings disappeared appeared again leaving me all alone in this black void that seemed endless.

After what seemed like hours a white light seemed to appear getting bigger and brighter until it engulfed me...

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