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Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

IT TURNS OUT POPPY'S BAG HAD BEEN DELIVERED BUT IT HAD LAID OUTSIDE in the pouring rain for a good while which meant her entire luggage was- to put it lightly- drenched. 

"No" Poppy mumbled as she picked up one of her shoes and emptied it out, frowning at the water. Josie and Kiki both picked up one of the boxes and water dropped out making Poppy gasp more.

"Not the new season Gucci. The Choos! No! This is all only hand washable. This is ridiculous" Kate looked inside to see loads of bottled water.

"Uh- why?" She asked Poppy.

"Incase i get thirsty" she shrugged.

"You know in the United Kingdom we have this amazing thing. It's called a tap" Kiki's words went unheard when Poppy picked something else out of her trunk that was soaking wet but she was stopped when the door swung open. A woman in her 40s stood there in what seemed to be some sort of maid outfit and she held a box with her.

"Welcome back girls"

"Oh, good. Staff" Poppy breathed out in relief and stood up.
"How quickly can you get all this stuff cleaned?"

"Is she..." the woman started and Josie nodded in confirmation.


"Nova here is also American. But she grew up here" the older woman looked to me and i shrunk back slightly.

"We had one of those in 1997. Not good. Accustom them to my rules and they should be in the correct uniform to start. Mobile phones please girls" she went around the room taking each of their phones and when she got to me i handed her the one from my pocket. Then she went over to Poppy's and saw the ones Kate had specifically told her to hide away.

"Whoa! Hands off mama!" She didn't listen and instead put both of Poppy's phones in her box.
"I said hands off! Habla espanol? Po si to intaliano?"

"I am scottish, not remedial" Matron bit back.

"Good. Then you understand. Line-dry, press.
No starch, and no creases" Poppy started putting her wet washing in the box and it almost seemed like there was steam coming out of the older woman's ears.

"How dare you? No mufti for a week" she started to walk away but Poppy scoffed having no idea what it even mean.

"Fine. Mufti may be your thing lady. But it sure aint mine" Drippy rolled her eyes.

"She means no home clothes for a week" Kiki translated whilst Matron pulled the clothes out of her box and placed them back into Poppy's water filled trunk.

"Like i give a shit. I'll be gone by then"

"Language! Two sundays detention for everyone" they all let out groans and I slapped my palm against my forehead. Detention in the first day, and i've never had a detention before.

Nova Moore - the wild childs sister Where stories live. Discover now