Chapter 2: Midoriya Troubles

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Walking towards the front gate of the school, Dante accompanied Midoriya after the previous encounter with Bakugo that occurred only minutes ago.

A one-sided, awkward silence remained in the air for Midoriya while Dante walked with an indistinguishable look on his face. He wanted to say something but was too nervous due to the natural demeanor Dante carried with him.

"I should probably say thank you, at least." Midoriya thought to himself nervously. He stuttered to himself for a moment before getting his attention drawn to the sound of splashing in a small outdoor Koi tank.

He sees a book in the tank that looks slightly burnt and quickly realises it was his notebook that Bakugo had thrown out the window.

The sight of the notebook being chewed by fish causes Midoriya's mood to darken. He reaches for the notebook but Dante grabs it first.

Using his quirk to dry the book safely, Dante looks through it as a quick inspection before handing the book back to Midoriya.

"Here. Should still be in usable condition." He says blankly.

Midoriya smiles slightly at Dante kind gesture and takes the notebook, "Thank you. *Sigh* Look at it, burnt and beaten. Maybe I should just give up on trying for U.A. I can't even stand up to Kacchan, let alone fight a villain."

Suddenly, Midoriya is startled by Dante grabbing him by the shoulders and looking him straight in the eyes.

Dante: Do not say that again. If you truly ever wanted to be a hero, you wouldn't let someone like Bakugo get in the way of that. You're smarter than him, you'll do fine.

Midoriya might have said something in response, but the glare that Dante gave told him that there was nothing to say. Dante believed in his success, not his failure. Tears threatened to fall, but Midoriya was able to hold them back and smile.

"Thank you..." Midoriya said.

Dante just nodded as the two began to walk again. While they walked, Dante couldn't help but get lost in thought.


The alleys of Japan were not a nice place in a superhuman society. There was always something sketchy or just terrible going on where public eyes weren't.

But despite the terrible nature of them, a young boy was forced to call them home.

At 7 years old, the boy slept wherever and ate whatever he could. The desperation he was in was constant and often led to him getting into trouble. Bruises and cuts that had not properly healed were present on his body.

Currently, trouble had found the boy once again.

"GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT!" A random thug yelled at the fleeing boy.

The boy ran from alley to alley as the thugs chased him relentlessly. The sound of boots hitting pavement grew louder as the thugs slowly caught up to the boy.

Panic grew as the boys heart pounded in his chest, the thought of getting caught causing fear in the boy's mind.

The boy ran out of the alley and ended up in an open street. Cars struggled to stop to avoid hitting the boy, but the boy didn't stop and kept running.

He crossed the street and moved into another alley but didn't realise until too late that the alley was a dead end.

Trying to think, the boy hid behind some trash cans and held his hands to his mouth in an attempt to keep quiet.

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