Chapter Six: Into the Open

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A few weeks later

"What do you think about this one?" Emma studied herself in the mirror, shaking out the white skirt and adjusting the bodice of the gown. "Tell the truth."

Taryn studied her. "It's quite traditional," she said finally, flaring out Emma's train a little. "I like it better than the last three, but it still might be too stuffy for you."

"Well," Emma said, putting her fists on her hips and frowning at the mirror, "I definitely like the big skirt. I must have a big skirt. I'm just not too crazy about all this lace." She pointed to the fabric off her shoulder. "And I know a lot of people like off-white, but it makes me look antique."

"Well said." Taryn made her turn around so she could unzip the back. "Did you finally find a reception hall, by the way?"

"Yes," Emma said as she stepped off the pedestal and disappeared into the dressing room. "The Hilton finally got a cancellation for July 7, and we swooped in and took it. It was an act of God, I tell you."

"Are you sure you can deal with the date so soon?" Taryn called.

Emma's voice was muffled under satin and lace. "It was a compromise," she reasoned. "J.C. wanted it in June, I wanted it in August, so we settled on July. I guess it worked for the best."

"At least there's a date now," Taryn said. "But you still have one more bridesmaid to figure out, dear. At the rate you're going you might as well make a dress and just find someone who fits into it."

"I know, I know," Emma's voice said. "It's just been crazy the last few weeks. I don't know what's been going on. The guys were down in Florida for that MTV Spring Break thing, so I've just been running around like a chicken with my head cut off. I have no idea how we'll pull this thing together."

She stepped out again as she said these final words, and Taryn inhaled sharply. It was unnerving the first time, watching her best friend stepped out in a wedding gown. Now, Taryn realized, it was quite another experience to see her in the right gown.

"Honey, with that dress, I think you're on your way," she proclaimed.

"You think?" Emma turned to look in the mirror. The gown, a snow-white hue, fit as if it were molded to her, the square neckline and sleveless bodice showing off her recent California tan, flaring out into a skirt with a train. Across the top, just under the bust, ran two tiny ribbons of satin. The same design decorated the hemline of the skirt. It was simple, elegant and completely Emma.

"Look at this," the future bride exclaimed, picking up the end of the skirt and showing Taryn the loop of fabric at the end. She slipped the loop over her wrist and squealed as the train lifted off the ground, swinging with her arm. "It's just like in those old Italian movies."

"Or Mafia movies," Taryn said, turning her around. "And you still have the option of hooking the train up in the skirt. I have to learn this technique, you know, since your train is my primary duty."

"I like this," Emma said, swishing her skirt back and forth. "I can see myself dancing with Dad in it. I think this one could be it."

"I'd check this off the list if I were you," Taryn said proudly.

Emma gave a little curtsy in the dress. "One down," she said with amusement. "Four hundred ninety-nine more tasks to go."

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Madeline stood in her apartment, pacing up and down. The candles were lit, the dinner was fixed, and the lights were dim. It was just the boyfriend that was missing.

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