Chapter Thirteen: Forward Steps

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A week later

Call her.

Justin Timberlake stared at his cell phone. Her name was on the display and his finger was poised over the "send" button. All he had to do was press.

Just push the stupid button, you idiot.

Mouth dry, he swallowed. He wiped his palms against his jeans and took a deep breath.

Just say it. Just say "Madeline, it's Justin. I just want you to know that I want you back in my life and that I wanted to leave the group to be with you, and ..."

And what? He was stuck again. No matter how many different ways Justin tried his speech, he ran smack into the same dead end. What was the best way to resolve this? What if she didn't want him back?

At that moment the phone vibrated in his hand, and Justin nearly jumped out of his skin. Checking the caller ID and muttering under his breath, he hit the button without hesitation.

"What is it, Lance?"

"Did you call her yet?"

Justin was flabbergasted. "How do you do that?"

"Look over to your left."

Justin glanced over his shoulder, and perched at the other end of the massive stage was Lance, waving and holding his own phone to his ear.

"What is your problem? You go through this ritual at least once a day."

Justin shook his head. "I don't know," he said. "I thought I could do this, Lansten. I thought I would sweep into her place, make my grand declarations, take her in my arms and ride off into the sunset with her. But I can't. It's like I'm on the cliff but I can't jump. It's complicated."

"Nothing between you and her has been anything but complicated," Lance reminded him. "When you guys got back together the first time, it wasn't hunky-dorry all at once. You guys had issues to resolve, trust to build, and you were both willing to do it. Isn't that what's important?"

"Yes," the younger member sighed. "But that's where the big question lies. I don't know if she's willing to do it. We parted on extreme sides here, man. I'm not sure if she can meet me halfway this time. What if she can't? What will I do?"

"Then you don't give up," Lance answered. "You do whatever it takes to convince her it's worth it, and if she's still not willing to work through it ..." he paused. "I love the girl and everything, Justin, but I can't help you then."

"I just don't know how to approach this," Justin said. "We've been in the craziest schedule we've ever had; J.C. hasn't even seen Emma in four days. I can't give this my full attention when I have to close out with these concerts. I don't want to do either halfway, you know what I mean?"

"I know," Lance answered. "Maybe it's not a bad idea to wait until things settle down a little before you approach Madeline. That way you're not distracted and can totally focus on you guys. But you're gonna have to face her sooner or later, Justin. You are inviting her to the concerts, aren't you? The L.A. show is in two days."

Justin's heart beat a little faster at the thought of seeing Madeline that soon. Was he ready?

"Lance, I need a favor."

"Don't even think about it."

"Please?" Justin pleaded. "I can't do it. I'm chicken. Call me any name you want, just ... this one time, OK?"

Lance clapped the cell phone shut and yelled at Justin across the stage, "I don't know why I do these things for you!"

Justin yelled back, "Because you love me, man!"

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