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"Oh my god I missed you! Where have you been? Wait, why is your cheeks red? You look flustered." Jin's questions making you blush even more, remembering the scene you had with your sexy stripper.

'Your' sexy stripper. Sounds so intimate.

After the hot session with Jimin earlier, you forgot that you have to meet up with your best friend. You were running back into your office and found your phone full of Jin's messages and missed calls. Jimin was following you to your office when he saw you were kinda panicked.

After you told him the matter he offered you his spare clothes to change and also to drive you to the bar but you politely refused it immediately. You know he was  just being sweet and caring and not that you mind him helping you but you still can't bear to be near him that much. Not when he's being all touchy with you.

Then still, he insisted to walked you out to your car and you finally gave in and let him be. You just wanted to have some time to digest everything that has happened, but Jimin always making it hard when he pushed you on the side of your car and full made out with you before letting you go inside your car and drove away.

Leaving you breathless seems to be his favorite things to do now.

You were feeling hot and sticky so there's no way you would go out to meet your best friend while smelling like sex. So you told Jin to come over to your house and having a sleep over instead of meeting up at a bar.

"I was taking a hot shower, maybe that's why." You're half lying while walking inside with Jin after welcoming him at the front door.

He lifts his eyebrows with squinting eyes as he's trailing behind you before plopping his butt on the couch beside you. You're trying to be cool, looking anywhere except him but again, of course, he's Kim fucking Seokjin. He won't let you live in peace until you spill everything to him like, who are you kidding?

"Oh my god fine! I had steamy moment a while ago! There I said it so stop sending me those glare!" You whine, burying your face on your palms.

Jin gasps, "You bitch! You have a boyfriend all along and didn't tell me at all? It's that why you've been MIA these days?"

"Well, he's not my boyfriend."

"But you're hoping that he is, right?" Jin smirks but you're looking at him with a sigh.

"I'm going to tell you everything but you need to promise me one thing." You say seriously and Jin nods his head, mentioning you to tell him what is the condition. "Promise me you won't possessed."

Jin pushes his inner cheek with his tongue before he scoffs, "I have a feeling that this is not gonna be something that I like to hear but okay I'll try."

You're looking at him serious dead in the eyes, contemplanting to tell him or not but you have no choice to tell him now. You take a deep breath, mentally preparing yourself before telling Jin everything from the first night you stepped a foot into the club until this earlier night event.

You thought you'll get a lot of comments during your story but this time, Jin is acting different. He really is listening to you attentively from the beginning until the end and not once cuts you off in the middle of talking. It should be giving you a relieve feeling because he's willing to listen first before judging but also it's a threatening life feeling because you don't know what he is thinking about this all right now.

"So that's all." You exhale a long sigh, blinking at your best friend ready for his outburst any second but he did nothing except still staring back at you. "Jin, would you please say something? You're frustrating me."

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