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"Morning Dami !" the bluenette said waking up her boyfriend/ husband. "Good Morning Angel" he said getting  up and giving her a peck on the lips. "Soo Dami, when do you think your family will come save us cause they are taking forever" Mari said sighing as she was tired of being locked up in this room. "Hmm well I could ask mother if she can let us spar or roam around for a bit to get some fresh air " Damian said as he started to brainstorm ideas in his head. "Okay love, but go get dressed quickly you do know how your mother wants us to be punctual for breakfast plus I am hungry " the bluenette said laying back on the bed as Damian walked away to his bathroom connected to his room to shower and clean his teeth. 

Marinette lay down on their bed as she thought about everything that has happened so far everything in life was moving so quickly but she was happier now that she was able spend time with the love of her life free from the clutches of her annoying classmates and the pathological liar who was surely coming up with more ways to kill her form the inside and destroy her making her feel weak and pathetic unloved and worthless, yes that was truly what Lie-la was thinking of sitting in her bedroom brainstorming ways to make the bluenette girl's life horrible. 

Marinette was pulled out of her thoughts by Damian walking back into the room changed and ready to go to the leagues cafeteria where everyone would already be. "Hey shaytan "  Marinette said getting up from the bed walking towards the door. Damian greeted her again and they talked about the villains in Gotham on their way to the cafeteria area. The two took their seats at a table in the corner and they continued talking about that which led Mari on a huge rant about the fashion choices about many on the well known criminals. Even some of the assassins that passed by their table agreed with the bluenette about their atrocious costumes. 

It was now some time after breakfast and Mari was in her room changing as she spilled food on her clothes as she still was clumsy. She had put on some of Talia's clothes which she used for missions undercover (Talia's undercover clothes when Talia was younger). She was just going to leave the closet when she saw a huge circle with a huge light emitting Mari grabbed a katana form Damian's display unsheathing it. Few people stepped out of the portal and the bluenette sheathed the katana and placed it back carefully as she was enveloped in a huge hug by her friends that came through the portal to save her. "MARI " the two of them yelled hugging their friend. "Can't breath" Mari said as her friends then loosened their grip on her and let go finally. "Hey guys !" she said happily.  

"We are so glad we finally found you melody now come on the others are waiting for you "Luka said. "Yeah you can tell us all about how you ended up here when go back" Kagami added on. "Uhm guys actually I can't come I really am happy you guys came to rescue us and all but I can't come with you I will comeback to Paris by flight  after the Batfamily comes to rescue us well ugh I will explain as soon as I am back in Paris but take the Miraculous back with you and tell the others I will be back in a day or two cause if I leave now my disappearance may cause these people to learn about my secret" Mari said as she disappeared and reappeared with the Miraculous box handing it to them. "If you say so M just be careful" Kagami said taking the box while Luka opened up the portal back to Paris. 

Marinette said her goodbyes to her friends and as they left Damian entered the room she thanked God for her luck otherwise she would have to reveal to Damian her true identity. They two lovebirds continued on talking and chatting when there loud bang and boom and several crashing noises. The two looked at each other for a split second before they both ran into the closet and grabbed a few weapons from the display shelf. 

Soon they both were out the door and were running throughout the corridors trying to find where the fight was happening. They reached the center of the base. They saw the bats and birds of Gotham city fighting all the assassins. The bats were having the upper hand. More and more assassins charged at the them only to get knocked out. Finally all of them were knocked cold. Talia finally stepped out of the shadows walking in between the bodies that lay on the ground. "Talia" Batman said in low voice.  " Yes, beloved' she asked. "Where's Damian ?" he questioned. "We are here father" Damian said from behind the bats. They were in confusion when Damian said 'we' instead of only himself. 

"What do you mean by 'we' lil D" Dick questioned turning around. "Well I am talking about me and beloved" Damian said stepping to the side to reveal a girl around Damian's  age but shorter she had ark blue hair which was pulled into a pony tail and gorgeous blue eyes she was wearing black jeans and a red crop top with white sneakers. "B-Be-Belo-Beloved ??" Jason stuttered in shock. "Talia, explain" Bruce said turning to look at the woman. "He means his wife wel-" Talia started off but was cut off. 

"HOW THE HELL DOES HE GET TO GET A WIFE BEFORE I CAN GET A GIRLFIREND/BOYFRIEND?" Jason yelled in shock. " Congrats Dami !" Dick said happily.  "Ya be careful and you better be using protection" Babs said in a teasing manner making the two blush furiously. "Blink twice if you are being forced against your will" Tim said not giving another option. Marinette just started at her shaytan's  family forcing herself not to laugh  at their antics. "Well not exactly married but betrothed so we  are bonded forever " Damian said as he pulled his angel closer to him. 

After a little more explaining and Mari leaving out the part of her life of which involved the miraculous they left to Gotham and straight away Mari was dropped off at the airport and boarded her flight to go all the way back to Paris. 

"Hey Guys I am back !" Mari said standing there her door open her hands raised up high and  a huge smile on her face as her friends all rushed up to hug her.

So that's it for now anyways what do you think so far ? 

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