¢нαρтєя 1

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*WARNING: There is mentions of serious gore and death in this chapter. Due to the explicit descriptions, viewer discretion is advised*

Izuku Midoriya learned that the world he lived in was cruel and unforgiving at the young age of 6....

Here's how it happened...

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Izuku's POV

It was a cold and blistery winter morning, momma and I were walking through the woods looking for some wild vegetables for dinner when in the distance I heard some rusting in the snow, an unfamiliar scent in the air.

Momma seemed to notice the sound, and sniffed the air. She then quickly and quietly moved us deeper into the woods. She placed me in a little hole in a bush and looked at me, her deeps forest eyes studying me lovingly.

"Izuku, baby, I need you to stay here and keep quiet. Do not move until I come back and get you ok?" Her voice trembled with worry slightly as she spoke, but she wore her soft loving smile, making me feel comforted in her words.

I nodded my head in understanding, and watched as she slowly walked away towards where the sound and scent was coming from before. I tucked my tail close to my body for extra warmth and waited.

My small body shivered slightly as my ears twitched, listening to the eerie silence in the woods. All of a sudden there was a loud bang that rang through the trees, crows cawing and flying away from the startling noise.

"....m-momma.." I whimpered out softly. The forest growing quiet once again. I sat and waited...and waited, the sun getting lower in the sky. I crawled out of where I had been hiding, slowly and quietly walking back to where I was with momma before. I followed her scent....but there was something else..

Thats when I saw her....blood...everywhere. A single bullet straight through her head...her body laid there lifeless...the fur from her body had been skinned off, leaving her body bloody and bare. The smell of blood was almost unbearable and frightening. It was a gruesome sight for the boy who had barley turned 6 that year.

I sat on my knees, tears streaming down my face as I screamed for someone...anyone to help...even if there was nothing that could bring her back.

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No one's POV

A poacher. A human so cruel had tracked him and his mom to hunt. Because they were the last 2 known white dholes left, making their fur skins worth billions in the black market.

His mom had told him about these cruel people, and had taught him how to survive and observe since he was 3. They had spent many days learning to hint and live in the protection of the woods, away from people to avoid being seen.

But somehow their hard work was still not enough. Now he was alone. His mom was the only person in his life, and she was gone. Taken in such a cruel way.

The sun was barley above the horizon as darkness started to set in. Izuku had carefully brought his mother's body back to their cave like home, burying her in a small clearing nearby, a stone place in-front of her grave.

Izuku slowly made his way back into their home when he was done, crawling into the bed and crying as he could smell her comforting scent still in their house.

"I will survive...for us...momma.."

Slowly Izuku fell asleep, his dreams filled with solemn memories of him and his mom.

In The Cruelty of This WorldWhere stories live. Discover now