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Hey lovelies, today I thought because the chapter is all about Rina, we'd do it in Harry's POV! I hope you all like it xx

My alarm went off, the bird noises waking me but not Rina. I groaned, checking the time. 9:35. I slid my arm out from under her and tiptoed through to the bathroom, getting ready for her surprise. We only had six hours before we had to get ready for tonight's show, and I wanted to spend every minute with her. I had a quick shower, then got changed into a yellow shirt with tulips on it, and a pair of blue jeans. I peeled back the second skin on my latest tattoo, my first birthday gift to Rina.I checked the time once more. 10:23. I'd ordered Rina's favourite as room service, cinnamon french toast. Once it arrived, I sat it on the table in the room, and gently woke Rina up.

"Love, wake up."


"Rina, it's time to get up."




I bent down, kissing behind her ear, as she relaxed into my arms.

"Harry, I'll get up if you give me a cuddle."

I clambered up into bed with her, kissing the nape of her neck and playing with her hair.

"Well that's how it's gotta be eh?"

I wrapped my arms around her, breathing in her soft, woody smell. She curled into me, as I stroked her hair.

"Rina baby, I have a whole day planned, you're gonna need to get up my love."

"Ugh fine."

She turned around, her eyes sleepily gazing up at me, as I stood up, picking the plate of french toast off the table.

"I got your favourite."

She sat up, scrunching her nose and slicking her hair, her eyes lighting up.

"Oh Harry,"

I smiled as I passed her a fork and jumped off the bed, rummaging around the wardrobe. Rine looked over at me, laughing as I pulled out almost everything.

"What on earth are you doing?"

I stood up, a silver wrapped package in hand. This was actually her second present but she hadn't noticed the first yet, which surprised me.

"Getting your present!"

I passed it over to her as she tore off the wrapping.

"Harry you didn't need-"

She stopped, her eyes glassy. A gold necklace with a ruby cut into a heart was staring back at her.

"Harry, it's beautiful. But I, I can't accept this."

I put my finger to her lips as I did the necklace clasp around her neck. She touched the chain as she looked up at me.

"Harry, I love you so much."

I smiled as I flexed her first present on my arm, in the hope she'd notice.


"Yes Tulip."

"Is that what I think it is on your arm?"

She pulled my arm from me as I grinned, her brow furrowing. She traced the linework, as I smiled.

"Harry is that me?"

I nodded, looking at the outline of Rina's body tattooed into my skin. She looked up at me, laughing.

"I can't believe you sometimes. Where did you even get that picture?"


She rolled her eyes.

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