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November 5th 2013- Dean Street Recording Studios

Harrys pov

She was so perfect. She stood there, bass guitar loosely lying at her hips, cigarette gently tucked between her teeth. I saw the sound manager count her down as she started plucking the strings to the song Little Black Dress. It suited her. The day I first saw her she was wearing a black camisole dress. She was so pretty. I sat and watched in awe until Liam kicked my back playfully.

"Come on Harry, we've got work to do."

"But look at her, Li. She's just so perfect isn't she."

Liam sat beside me, looking at Ducky.

"You know Modest! would kill you if you asked her out right?"


"Because she's bad Harry. We all have a role in this band. It would be in your best interests to stay away from women who don't fit yours."

I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

"Are you joking? My role is literally the fucking 'womaniser' if I want to ask her out I will."

Liam stood up, his face stony.

"Fine then. See what they'll do."

Rina's pov

Why was he staring at me? I mean, I wasn't complaining but still. I had a cig hanging from my lip, the tobacco taste ever present on my tongue. The song they'd given me was ok, I suppose. I'd heard of the band before but I didn't really listen to their music.

I'd found out that the boy with the bandanna was called Harry. He was cute, at least, I thought so. Mitch said he was sweet, but I hadn't tried talking to any of the boys yet. The blonde one was funny, which I valued in a guy. I liked the look of the bad boy, his name was Zayn. He fit my bill.

Harry was too pure I thought. He'd probably take one look at me smoking and start crying. My fingers ran up and down the strings, until I was given the gesture to stop. I laid my bass down, heading out the studio. Zayn was walking behind me, but I couldn't tell if he was following me or not. I walked to the car park.


I kept walking.

"Hey, Ducky is it?"

I turned around.

"What do you want?"

He ran his hands through his black hair, as I chewed on the end of my long burnt out cigarette.

"I just wanted to say the band think you're incredible. Thank you so much for working with us, it's really made the difference on the track. Do you mind if I got your number?"

What. The. Fuck.

"Um, sure yeah."

I put my number in his phone as two other band members walked out. One with a Donny accent and Harry.

"Zayn mate, we need to go back in."

"Hold on Lou, I'm talking to Ducky."

Harry looked crestfallen as I passed Zayn his phone back.

"I really should be heading, you boys were all lovely, thank you so much for today!"

I mounted my bike, as I looked at Harry one last time. I smiled at him. I'd never once spoken to the boy but yet, there was something about him. I mean, we never would speak would we? Zayn had asked for my number but I doubted he'd pursue anything, would he?

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