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Voldemort was winning. Harry was dead and in the half giant's arms. His loyal death eaters were ready to fire curses at the remaining students. He was happy and prideful of what he had become. He had won.

Suddenly everyone froze as a student in a Hufflepuff robe walked to the middle of both groups and sat down his hands holding his torso up. Everyone looked confused but they couldn't move nor speak. The only people to recognize the student was Voldemort and Hagrid. One remembered him as a friend and the other as a lover.

"Oliver..." Voldemort has said as he stared longingly at his lover. The person turned and looked at him before patting the spot next to him. The very confused yet happy Voldemort walked closer. The close he got people noticed his appearance changed. Instead of the white pale scary being stood a very handsome man with dark brown hair and beautiful green eyes. His hair was combed over and he was wearing Slytherin robes. He looked young older than the Hufflepuff but young enough to still be in school. "I miss you Oliver..."

"I miss you too..." the voice was very sweet sounding and was akin to a bell. Oliver's eyes looked around before he noticed Hagrid. "Hello Rubeus... it been a while"

Hagrid nodded dazed. He wanted to cry. It had been 30 years since he last heard from Oliver and it was a letter telling him he was dying. Hagrid cried that day and refused to come out of his house. "Fern... it has been a while" was his only response and Oliver seemed happy with that.

"I've done a bad thing Oliver..." Tom had said as he sat next to Oliver leaning slightly on him. Oliver looked at him lovingly.

"I know Tom... I know..." Tom almost felt guilty at the response of his dead lover. Everyone looked in shock at the look of guilt. Quite honestly most thought this was a private thing and looked away. Well moved their eyes they couldn't move their heads.

"Are you mad?" Tom put his hand on top of the Hufflepuff's. Oliver looked at their hands and intertwined them. He squeezed their hands together and smiled.

"No. I'm not mad. You started this for us. I'm just disappointed you went so far." Tom deflated at the youngest words. He was nearly curled up on top of Oliver in an attempt to keep the young man close. Oliver giggles at Tom's antics. Nearly everyone around them looked shocked. Quite frankly nobody knew why he started his crusade and to learn it was all because of a love. Few felt a new sense of admiration (tho it did not excuse his actions), a few felt a bit guilty, a few felt nothing new, a few felt angry, and so felt bitter. It was such a range of emotions through the crowd.

"I made horcruxes..." Tom said almost ashamed as if he had gained back some humanity. Oliver smiles sweetly at Tom as he gently stroked his face.

"I know Tom... I know the things you've done." As Oliver said this he glanced at the boy in Hagrid's arms as well as a small glance at Hagrid himself. Tom hung his head before placing it on Oliver's shoulder. He planted a light feathery kiss on the clothed skin.

"I'm sorry..." it was a whispered reply and only those on the edge of each side could hear it and it shocked them. "I just... I just wanted for us... for us to be... I wanted a world where nobody would judge us..." His voice was almost desperate as he buried his face deeper into the neck of his past lover.

"I know Tom I wanted that too. Just promise me you'll come back to me?" Oliver looked through his lashes at Tom. He managed to pull Tom from his shoulder and gave him a small peck on the lips. "You'll get more once we're together again..." Tom nodded. He wanted more than anything to be with his Oliver.

"But you know how people are... they don't like people like us" Tom's voice quivered slightly. He didn't want Oliver to be hurt again. He was once and Tom won't let him go through that hurt again.

"They'll love us there..." Oliver smiled. The people around noticed the way he smiled seemed almost contagious. "Just remember Tom, it's always darkest before the dawn. We'll get through this. It'll be just us again. No more mess and no more people. Tom I want to see you soon. But not too soon. I want to hear of some of the things you've done" Tom nodded as he stared Oliver in the eye. Oliver's eyes were a cool grey. They could frost over and become serious almost instantly which is one of the things that attracted Tom. That and his quick wit and cute personality.

"I will... I'll tell you all about it..." Tom's voice held a slight hint of sadness. He really just wanted to hold on tight and never let go but he knew this wouldn't last and that's what hurt the most. Maybe on day he'll join his love but he didn't plan on it being today. "I'll tell you about how progressive I'll make this world. Make couples happy like we should have been..."

Oliver smiled sadly. He gently cupped Tom's face. He'll miss him. A few people were in tear, other holding back tears, a few were disgusted (nobody can be perfect), Harry was confused because he couldn't open his eyes and ruin his surprise attack.

"Not Tom it seems i must go. Just know I love you and I'll be looking out for you to join me when your ready." Tom nodded with tears in his eyes. He wanted to be selfish and demand that Oliver not leave him or he'll do something drastic like he had many times before. He felt this time it would go on deaf ears tho.

"Please don't go..." Tom had whispered pleading with any higher form out there to let Oliver stay with him. Oliver gave a wink as he got up and started to walk towards the forbidden forest. Tom's pleas had turned into him sobbing hard. Oliver still had a smile on his face as tears started to pour down his cheeks.

"I love you Tom. And I'll see you soon ya? But not too soon." Oliver said as his voice cracked. "Also little Salazar is doing good. He wanted to join me today but I thought it was best to keep him under his lamp." He was hinting at a snake Tom had during their school years. A ver small Burmese Python who was terribly sick. It was due to poor husbandry and the damage was too severe to save him so they gave him the best life they could before he ultimately passed away. Tom could still remember the day they buried him. It was the day after he proposed. They never got married but it was the sentiment of feeling the love.

"Good... I'm glad he's better..." Oliver continued on his way to the forest. Tom stood there and watched, tear streaming down his cheeks. The crowd witnessed as he turned back into a terribly pale creature with slits for a nose and thin eyes. Once he was out of eyesight everyone was unfrozen but still didn't move mostly out of confusion and curiosity on what just happened. Tom straighten his back and looked around at the people before saying something with a heavy heart because of the encounter.

"Harry Potter is dead!"

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