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Elliot wrote like 95% of this chapter, credits to him.

Argh, I can't sleep. I just can't stop thinking about Charlie. He's just so... perfect. Should I text him?

I'll text him.

A: hey, you asleep?

C: Nah, can't sleep

A: wanna come over? We can watch a movie or smth

He didn't even reply, he just showed up in my room.

"Hey Char" "Hi" "so what movie are we watching?" "Stab?" "I knew you would say that."

He snuck into my bed under the covers and lay next to me. He rested his head on the pillow and when our arms touched I felt a slight tingling shoot up my left arm and I suddenly felt buzzed. I unpaused the movie on my notebook and we started watching. 30 minutes later my eyes started closing up and I felt half asleep. My head dropped to his shoulder and I felt his arm wrap around me. I heard "goodnight Ari" before I completely passed out and the world around me went blank.

I wake up to feeling something warm on my back and I soon realize  it's him big-spooning me. It's really nice. We just stay like that for a few minutes before I hear him say "I know you're awake Ari." I turn around to face him and I smile "Good morning." "Hi" he says while smiling back at me. He has a really pretty face you know? I just can't stop staring at him.  After a while he asks "What are you thinking about?"     "You." I say. He raises his eyebrows at me. "I really like you Char."

I waited for his response but instead his eyes lit up and he looked at my lips. I closed my eyes, slowly leaned to him and kissed him. It was really soft and gentle and after a few seconds he pulled back. I immediately went back into the kiss. He put his hands on the side of my face and slid his fingers into my hair.I was about to take of his shirt when I heard Robbie shouting something. "Aria have you seen my ke-?" he didn't finish the word when he opened the door andsaw me and Charlie. "Oh sorry for interrupting, I didn't know my best friend fucks my sister." then he turned around and shut the door. I pulled away from Charlie and we started laughing.

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