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I'm sitting on the couch and Charlie putting in stab 7. "Wow Kirby, you've got some classics here." He says as he looks at all the horror movies. He doesn't look like he is interested in starting a conversation with her but she does anyway. She asks him some questions about the stab movies. "Kirby admit it, no one is a bigger stab fan than Charlie." I say. She gives me a look and continues to talk to Charlie. "Charlie, could you feel that? That charge that moved between us just then?" she is whispering but I can still hear her. "Well, that was me. I have powers." I interrupt their 'conversation' again. Charlie smirks at me. "Wow Aria, that's so sexy." "Shut up please. I have to look at this at home and now here too? Seriously go away." "Okay, okay, sorry." I answer Robbie before we all start watching the movie. Just when Sherrie in the opening scene got killed Trevor comes in. This evening is going really well for us. "Jesus Christ where'd you come from?" Robbie says. "The front door." This guy is going to be so easy to frame, he even looks like a killer. "By the was Kirby, with everything that's going on right now you probably shouldn't leave that unlocked." Me and Charlie were the last to arrive so she automatically looks at him. "Sorry." he says. "And may I ask what the hell are you doing here?" "What? Didn't I find the party?" "You found an invitation only party." I answer him. "Well, I got an invitation, Jill texted me."

"What?" Jill says looking surprised. "You said party at Kirby's house, I mean it was from your phone." "What do you mean from my phone? Where even is my phone?" Jill gets up to find her phone and Trevor goes with her. "Isn't his phone missing?" Kirby says. "He probably got a new one." Robbie answers.

"Guys I'm going outside." "Robbie are you seriously going drunk and alone outside? That's how people in horror movies die." "I'll try not to die." "Wait for me I'm going with you!"

We are now outside. "Robbie, can we go back?" it's cold here." "You can go back, I'll just walk around the garden." "Why would you do that?" I ask, still following him. "Fresh air."

I go back inside. Kirby is talking to Charlie again, so I just stay between the door and listen. "Hey Charlie?" "What" he answers almost immediately. "I'm sorry I know you're into the movie and all but now it would be a good time to make a move." Is she seriously still trying? "He looks away from the TV and he is making eye contact with Kirby? "For me to make a move?" "Mhm." "What move Kirby, I have a girlfriend-" "You know Charlie, you are actually pretty cute, especially when I'm scared, and lonely, and drunk.." she is saying as she's leaning towards him. "Back off Kirby." I say and walk into the room. I'm about to yell at her when someone starts aggressively ringing the doorbell. I go to the door really fast, part of me is maybe scared that Jill hurt Robbie outside. I open the door and it's just Sidney.

"Where's jill?" she asks. "I don't know, she is looking for her phone somewhere- OH MY GOD ROBBIE!" My brother was stabbed. He isn't losing a lot of blood but ghostface is right behind him. I run to him and push Jill. She falls on the ground and we get inside. "Ghostface is here!" I yell and everybody is getting away from the door." "There's a room in my basement, we can lock ourselves in there." We all go to the basement. "Wait, someone has to get Jill." Sidney says. I make an eye contact with Charlie. "It can't be you Sid, he's after you, I'll go!" Charlie says before leaving. "Robbie you are going to be okay, it isn't that deep..." That's it. If Jill slips like this again, I'm killing her. Charlie starts knocking on the door outside. Kirby is about to let him in when ghostface appears right behind him and smashes his head to the glass door. "NO CHARLIE BEHIND YOU! we try to yell but it's too late.

The lights go off and my phone rings. "it's Charlie's phone.." I say. "Keep him talking, I'll get help." Sidney says and goes upstairs. Kirby is now with Robbie and I'm looking at Charlie. Yes, I am crying. It hurts to see him getting hurt even though this is just a part of the plan. No, I can't do this. I regret making this part of the plan. "Leave him alone!" I yell with tears in my eyes. What if Jill hurts him? He's tied to a chair, he can't even fight back. I pick up. "Tell Sidney heads are gonna roll tonight!" "Let him go please" my hand is on the glass door, I can't open it because Jill might get discovered. "Tell Sidney it's all because of her!" "You like horror movies right, Aria? Maybe that could save his life.." "You wanna ask me something about stab? Try me, I know everything!" "Hmm.. okay. Who is the killer in the original movie?" "Billy Loomis and Stu Macher. Now let him go!" "Anyone could know that one.. but do you know who wrote book about it?" "Gale Weathers, sheriff's wife!" "Okay.. last question. Who was the killer in the first Friday the 13th?" What? That's a trick question. I've never seen that movie. Jill is trying to trick me. I do know the answer but Jill doesn't know that I know.. "Jason's mother!" "Oh I'm gonna need a name.." "Mrs. Vorhees! Kirby yells. Jill hangs up and Kirby runs to help Charlie. I'm right behind her. "We won Charlie, we fucking won. He tried to beat us but we fucking won." she is saying while untying him. I am still standing right behind her.

Charlie is getting up and grabbing his knife. "Kirby, this is making a move." He says and the he stabs her. Now his knife is deep in her stomach. Wow that's it, one killer revealed. He pulls the knife out and then pushes her to me. "Help me.. we have to run." She says to me. I just smile and Charlie hands me the knife. "What..?" oh, she thought I was gonna save her. I throw her to the ground and stab her again, just above the spot where Charlie stabbed her. Blood is coming out of her stomach and mouth. "Well done, Charlie." I say to him before slitting Kirby's throat. We get inside fast and Robbie looks terrified. Shit, he probably saw us. "Robbie it's not how it looks like." "What the fuck do you mean by that?" I don't even know what do I mean by that. It's exactly how it looks like. Charlie tries to get closer to him but he steps back. "We don't have time to explain, okay? Jill is the third killer. Stay hidden here and you'll be safe." "How can I trust you?" he answers. I don't know what to say, he can't trust me. "I'm sorry." I say but and Charlie's already dragging me out of the basement.

Sidney is probably upstairs, so we have enough time to hide. I can't do this, not when my brother hates me. I run back to the basement. Sidney could be there any moment and I left Charlie alone there. This is turning into chaos. Robbie is sitting on the floor, his hand is placed on the stab wound from Jill. I run to him and hug him. "Look, I know you probably hate me right now but please remember that Charlie or I would never hurt you." He hugs me back. "Okay, go now and we'll talk later. And by the way I could never hate you or Charlie." I nod and go. "Kirby? Aria?" Sidney is yelling to the basement. She has a knife. It's quiet when Charlie suddenly puts a knife to her throat and the knife she was holding dropps on the floor. I quickly get upstairs. "You know you learn a lot when you watch movies over and over, all the plots are about trying to kill you." "Where's Jill?" Is she still not getting it? I decide to join their conversation. "Oh, you think she's gonna get away? You think anyone gets away?" 2/3 ghostfaces are officially revealed now. I am slowly walking towards her. She runs with Charlie and slams him to a wall. Now she is running away. "OH MY GOD STOP BEATING UP MY BOYFRIEND!" I yell at her and she stops running. She stopped because she ran on Jill's knife.

Jill is slowly taking off her mask. "Jill.." she looks at her and then to the floor. "Hello Sidney, surprised?" "Didn't see that one coming, did ya?" I ask but I don't have her time to answer. "Charlie?" when I say his name he grabs Sidney by her hair. "Take her to the kitchen."

Ghostfaces on run awayWhere stories live. Discover now