Chapter 5: Irene

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Tip 5: Never let love fool you.

Lisa's POV

"How did your exam go?"

Looking up from my paper, I see my friend. Jackson, hopping on an empty desk in front of mine with a paper in hand that was already crumpling from briefly rolling fist. The exams had already finished and the suffocating tension in the air caused by the exams disappeared. I turn the front of my paper towards shin to let him see my result.

Jackson's eyes flickered down to my test results and grin. "Just as I assumed, got the highest mark eh?" His face then switched into a teasing smirk. "All because of a certain lover."

Fighting back my cheeks that slowly forming a smile, I stuck a tongue out before shoving my test paper in my bag. "What about you?"

Jackson proudly showed his exam result and showed it to me, I can hear the paper crumple at the amount of excitement he has to show me his. "Just an average score."

It wasn't just an average score, few more points and we both would have the same grade. "I'm surprised you passed the test."

"How can I not?" He snorted. "You did well on writing the answers a little more big for me to see from behind."

Chuckling at him. "You're welcome then." I said amused, plopping my bag on my desk and stood up from my seat, a tired sigh escaping my lips.

"Are you okay? you seem a bit stressed." Jackson asked concerned noticing the small circles under my eyes.

Nodding my head. "Just a bit tired from the exams last week." I reasoned out.

No, I'm not okay. Since knowing that the killer has easy access into my house, I wasn't able to sleep peacefully. Especially home alone while my parents are away on business trips and I hear just a bit of sounds from outside my house sends me on the edge.

Arching a brow suspiciously at me, Jackson just nods jumping off the desk and dismissed the topic noticing I didn't want to talk about it.

"Okay..." He trails off. "I guess I better head off and fix my things, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah." I replied forcing a smile, watching him made his way to his desk while I sling my bag on my shoulder.

Exiting the classroom I journeyed down the lower floor and searched for my girlfriend's classroom, there wasn't any students in the hallway since our teacher let us all out of our classroom a few minutes early than the normal releasing time. Once I found Irene's class room I leaned on the wall in front of the door, my back facing the clean windows showing the golden orange sky with the soft glow of the sun gleaming through the glass and filling the dark corners with its mellow shade.

My mind flew in the empty void as I waited for the dismissal bell. What was I going to do, it's already weekend and knowing that my parents are still out of town, worry creeped from the back of mind at the memories of my last encounter of the killer and it slowly filled something in my guts making me inhale the ice cold air of fear.

Why didn't they kill me yet is stuck in my mind like carved words on wood. Why? Do they relish the reaction I'm radiating or the suspense of them torturing me mentally gives them the satisfaction of my mental torture until they finally strike. A deep sigh escaped my lips as I rake my tangled fringe on top of my hair.

"What's the matter my love?" Snapping out of my daze I see my girlfriend looking at me confusedly and awaits my answer. Stepping closer to me, she extended her free hand and intertwined them with mine as I look around. "You look so stressed, is there something wrong?"

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