Chapter 8: Revelation

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Tip 8: Didn't give you tip 1 for nothing, use it!

Lisa's POV


My eyes scanned the surprised expression on my friends faces, that I was already expecting to look as I finished telling them who the killer is and why I think it's them, with the help of Taehyung of course. Because I was sure that they wouldn't believe me unless there's someone who would support my claims. Taehyung himself didn't believe it at first.

Classes were canceled the morning due to the unexpected demise of our fellow schoolmate, me and my friends still pushed through the plans of having a sleepovers at Jackson's house. After the announcing of suspension I went straight to my house and -as fast as possible- gathered spare clothes and other things to bring for the sleepovers then quickly head over to Jackson's house, I still felt fear creeping in my back being alone in the house.

The sun had finally sink at the horizon while the moon replaced the bright golden sun shine into its soft silvery light. Finishing dinner, we all retreated back to Jackson's bedroom after announcing that I have something important to say. And now we're all gathered with our sleeping bags around the bed and my friends wordlessly taking the news all in their head with their now unreadable faces.

Seulgi's eyes emitted fear, her body shivered, remembering the gruesome death of two students that her eyes laid upon on, so clear like a clear picture permanently embedded in her mind. "B-but why?- how?-"

"Why is she doing it?" Jackson managed to ask, cutting off Seulgi noticing that she cannot continue on clearly with her words. "What's her objective?"

"I don't know, I'm trying to think about it but my head is just... blank." I admitted, letting out a deep sigh and rub my temples. "And the fact that I didn't know my girlfriend makes me rethink if I was even a good one."

"You're a good girlfriend," Wendy disagreed, ignoring the fright that was slowly crawling out of her chest for a moment and placed a consoling hand on my shoulder. "You know Irene, but not entirely and that's normal. Not all of us knew each other to the core and what we're capable of doing, so don't blame yourself at something you cannot explain."

I stared at her for a few second, her comforting words released a few heavy weight from my shoulders. "Thank you, Wendy." I murmured, placing a hand over hers, that was on my shoulder, then pat it gently.

"Something must've pushed her to do it," Tiffiny, being the smart in our group, speculates with her arms crossed.

"Now that you've thought about it," Taehyung comments, leaning on his arm as he laid sideways on his makeshift bed. "Is there anything particular that she hates? it's not like she goes around and just randomly kill people."

"There is, but I doubt it would be the reason for her to kill." I replied, letting myself fall back against the sheets.

Wendy prompts. "What is it?"

"Guys can we just drop the subject?" I request, shifting my head on the pillow to the side, turning away from them and faced the wall. "It's been a long day, let's just get some rest."

Taehyung looks up to the clock hanging on the wall and see that it was only half past 7 in the night, it was early to sleep since he knows me well that I usually go to bed before midnight. He can't blame me though, the recent events that happened can cause a lot of mental exhaustion, and considering that my girlfriend is behind all of it he can't even imagine what I'm feeling.

"Let's call it a day," Taehyung stated throwing a blanket around his body while the others fixed themselves in their own sleeping bags.

With a faint click the lights died out and darkness poured in, consciousness instantly faded.

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