Chapter 9: Choosing Her

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Tip 9: She may be a killer, but you got power over her.

Lisa's POV

Thunder claps outside the house roared in the air, the sound of rain hitting the sidewalks like pennies were muffled by the walls ring in my ears. I tightened my grip around Irene's waist and pulled her securely against my body while the thumb of my free hand caressed her smooth cheek. Ignoring the bewildered eyes of Irene burning at the side of my face, my eyes traveled across the perplexed faces of my friends as they lined up in front of me.

"Are you fucking insane?!" Taehyung's furious voice pierced the air that felt like hours of silence. "She killed Somi! and maybe Sunmi as well!"

"I know! you don't have to tell me!" I growl, shoot daggers at him. "But that doesn't mean you have to kill her."

"Then let's turn her in."

Feeling Irene tense in my arms I shook my head. "No, we're not doing that."

Taehyung shook his head, staring at me in disbelief and switched his gaze to the others then back to me. "Wha- are yo-" Jumbling his words as he exasperatedly drag a palm down his face. "Did you hit your head when you jumped over the rail? because you sound like that girl never murdered someone."

My body slumped with a sigh, averting my gaze to Irene who was already staring at me with an unreadable expression. Gulping hard, my eyes scanned her face, her smooth skin under my thumb that was running up and down her cheeks then my eyes lingering on her lips that I badly wanted to kiss.

Why did you have to kill them I inwardly groan, switching my gaze back to my friends.


Taehyung tilt his head. "Okay?" He utter. "Okay what?"

Darting my eyes back to my girlfriend, I pressed my lips into a thin line, softly looking at her eyes giving her an assuring look. "We'll turn her in."

It seemed like my friends were holding their breaths because I heard them sigh in relief after my statement. "Alright, we'll get-"

"-But" I cut Taehyung off. "We'll turn her in tomorrow afternoon."

Taehyung shook his head. "We need to turn her in now."

"No." I protest, narrowing my eyes at them. "I already agreed turning her in at least what you all could do is give me enough time to spend with her."

"Okay." Taehyung, Tiffiny, Jackson and Seulgi's wide eyes shot towards Wendy, who was covered with white blanket with blood tinting some part of it.

"You do know this girl tried to kill you earlier right?" Jackson reminded with a raised brow, looking at her like she was crazy.

"I know, and I hate every minute being around her." Wendy hissed, glaring at Irene, in which Irene returned with the same intensity. "But Lisa saved me, and giving her time with... her would be enough to repay Lisa for that."

Taehyung straightens his back in hesitation, his eyes shifting to Wendy and the two of us. I gaze at him pleadingly, hugging Irene closer in my arms adding a bit of sympathy in his eyes.

"Fine." Heaving out a reluctant breath, he concede. "But we're not sleeping with her around."

"Then we'll just stay here, while you guys sleep upstairs." Suggesting as I look around the room seeing that there was enough space. "We'll just be needing my bag and sleeping bag."

"I'll get it." Seulgi, who was awfully quiet in the whole scene, volunteers and climbed up the stairs.

Taehyung skeptically ask. "Why do you need your bag?"

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